PROC dragdemo: REM This is a demo program to illustrate how to drag a REM window using OPL32. This is JUST A DEMO, and therefore REM doesn't have any error handling, additional event REM handling, graceful closing, or many other features of REM a professionally developed program. REM Copy this text file to a folder on your Series 5. REM Then use the PROGRAM application menu item REM FILE/CREATE NEW FILE to create a new program REM called DRAGDEMO. REM Then use EDIT/SELECT ALL and hit the DELETE key REM to clear out the preset text. REM Now use FILE/MORE/IMPORT TEXT to import this file. REM Finally, use TRAN to translate and run this program. REM You may copy, use, share, and generally have your way REM with this program. All I ask, is that if you, REM or someone else you know, ever needs Psion OPL software REM programming, please give us a try: REM Jeff Siegel REM National Technology Services, Inc. REM PO Box 4433 REM Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 USA REM (609) 786-8600 REM REM GLOBAL ev&(16),dragx&,dragy&,wid% REM ev&=Holds returned values from GETEVENT32. REM dragx&,dragy&=previous window position. REM wid%=window id REM gCREATE(x%,y%,width%,height%,vis%,flags%) wid%=gCREATE(100,100,120,100,1) gBORDER 1 gAT 10,20 :gPRINT"Touch and" gAT 10,40 :gPRINT"drag me" gAT 10,60 :gPRINT"Baby!" gAT 10,80 :gPRINT"(ESC to quit)" DO GETEVENT32 ev&() REM ev&(1)=&408 is 'pointer event' REM ev&(2)=time stamp REM ev&(3)=window ID REM ev&(4)=pointer type (see below) REM ev&(5) = modifiers REM ev&(6) = x-coordinate REM ev&(7) = y-coordinate REM ev&(8) = x-coordinate relative to parent window REM ev&(9) = y-coordinate relative to parent window REM For 'pointer event' type ,ev&(4), gives one of the following values: REM 0 = pen down REM 1 = pen up REM 6 = drag IF ev&(1)=&404 OR ev&(1)=27 REM Terminate or Esc STOP ELSEIF ev&(1)=&408 AND ev&(3)=wid% IF ev&(3)=wid% drag: ENDIF ELSE gIPRINT"Event="+GEN$(ev&(1),6) ENDIF UNTIL ev&(1)=&404 OR ev&(1)=27 ENDP PROC drag: IF ev&(4)=0 REM pen on screen dragx&=ev&(8) REM Save current window position dragy&=ev&(9) REM using absolute coordinates. ELSEIF ev&(4)=1 REM pen off dragx&=0 dragy&=0 ELSEIF ev&(4)=6 REM drag CLS AT 1,17 :print"x local =",ev&(6) PRINT"y local =",ev&(7) PRINT"x absolute =",ev&(8) PRINT"y absolute =",ev&(9) REM Move the window by the difference between the REM previous coordinates and the newly reported coordinates. gSETWIN ev&(8)-dragx&+gORIGINX,ev&(9)-dragy&+gORIGINY dragx&=ev&(8) REM Save new position dragy&=ev&(9) ENDIF ENDP