IrTranP OPM - Infra-red Tranfer of Photos ----------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 by Andrew Gregory Date Version Notes 7 April 2003 1.01 Added "ARB" image size support. 26 August 2001 1.00 First 'official' release. Introduction ------------ OPMs are pre-written and compiled OPL modules which can be shared between one or more applications. The advantage of OPMs are numerous; they have already been written and tested, thus saving the developer time; they can be used by more than one application, so common code shared between applications is not replicated, thus saving memory. There can be only 8 modules loaded at a time. However, modules may be loaded and unloaded from memory at will. Purpose of this OPM ------------------- The purpose of this module is to allow developers to write programs that can receive photos from digital cameras via infra-red using the standard IrTran-P protocol. Eventually, this OPM will be extended to allow sending of photos. Dependencies ------------ IrTranP requires the SCOMMS.OPX available from Symbian. SCOMMS.OPX is included inside the SIS file. Module ID --------- Each OPM has a unique name and ID - the name of the .opm file within the \System\Opm\ directory of either the C: or D: drive. The IrTranP OPM is called: IrTranP The IrTranP OPM UID is: &100099D5 Before Use ---------- If you are using the DECLARE EXTERNAL command to check your routines, then you will need to copy the IrTranP.omh file to the \System\Opl\ directory on either C: or D:. You also need to put the following line at the top of your code: INCLUDE "IrTranP.omh" Coding with the IrTranP OPM --------------------------- REM Assumes module has been loaded. REM Receives a photo to "C:\Test.jpg", asking for VGA (640x480) resolution REM and a maximum size of 32768 bytes. PROC doTran: LOCAL hdl&, ret&, stat&, pid$( 255 ) hdl& = IrTranp_Receive&:( "C:\Test.jpg", "VGA", 32768, ADDR( stat& ) ) BUSY "Start transmitting the picture..." WHILE 1 IOWAIT IF stat& <> KStatusPending32& ret& = IrTranp_Handle&:( hdl& ) IF ret& = 0 IF pid$ = "" pid$ = IrTranp_GetProductId$:( hdl& ) IF pid$ <> "" BUSY "Receiving from " + pid$ + "..." ENDIF ENDIF GIPRINT GEN$( INT( IrTranp_GetComplete:( hdl& ) * 100 ), 9 ) + "%" ELSEIF ret& = KE32ErrEof& BUSY OFF PRINT "Transfer complete" BREAK ELSE BUSY OFF PRINT "Transfer failed, Error #" + GEN$( ret&, 9 ) BREAK ENDIF ENDIF ENDWH PRINT "Press a key..." GET ENDP Available procedures -------------------- IrTranp_Receive&:( filename$, size$, maxfilesize&, pstat& ) Initiate receive of a picture. Note that the photo size (resolution) and maximum file size are merely hints to the camera - the camera is allowed to ignore them and do its own thing! This is a 'feature' of the IrTran-P protocol, and not a limitation of the IrTranP OPM. Returns a handle to be passed to other IrTranp OPM procedures. filename$ is the filename to store the picture in size$ specifies the size of the picture to receive: "QVGA" = 320 x 240 "VGA" = 640 x 480 "SVGA" = 800 x 600 "XGA" = 1024 x 768 "SXGA" = 1280 x 960 "ARB" = arbitrary (unrestricted) "m,n" = m x n (eg. "512,384") maxfilesize& is the maximum allowed file size in bytes. A good argument here would be the free disk space :-) Also, treats zero as 'no limit'. pstat& is a pointer to an I/O status word IrTranp_Handle&:( hdl& ) Handle ongoing picture receive events. hdl& is the value returned by IrTranp_Receive&: Returns: KE32ErrNone& ( 0) while receive progresses KE32ErrEof& (-25) when the receive is complete KE32ErrNoMemory& (- 4) if the receiver ran out of memory KE32ErrInUse& (-14) if the IR port was in use (turn off your remote link!) KE32ErrTimedOut& (-33) if a comms error occurred IrTranp_Cancel:( hdl& ) Cancel a receive. hdl& is the value returned by IrTranp_Receive&: IrTranp_GetProductId$:( hdl& ) Get the product ID of the other device. Only becomes available as the transfer proceeds. hdl& is the value returned by IrTranp_Receive&: IrTranp_GetComplete:( hdl& ) Gets the proportion of the transfer that has completed. Returns a floating point value that ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. It is not guaranteed to return 1.0 when the transfer is complete. hdl& is the value returned by IrTranp_Receive&: IrTranp_GetFilename$:( hdl& ) Gets the photo filename sent by the camera. Check this repeatedly during the transfer until it gets set. hdl& is the value returned by IrTranp_Receive&: