REVTRAN Manual Version 6.2, March 1999 Introduction Revtran is a program for Psion handheld computers, which reverse- translates translated programs back into moderately intelligible OPL source code. It is written in OPL, and will run on the Series 3/3a/3c/5, the Workabout, and probably the Series 3mx. Not the Siena. Revtran processes Series 3/3a, Workabout, HC, MC (all OPL16) and Series 5 (OPL32) OPL programs. Uses You might use Revtran on your own programs, e.g. if you have lost the source code, or you want to regress to an earlier version of a program where you have deleted the earlier source code. You might use Revtran on someone else's programs, for a variety of reasons, for example: - to do minor bugfixes, and to make adjustments and improvements to a user interface for your own use. - to remove features that you don't use, and which are taking up space. - to understand the data file formats used, so you can read or write them from another program. - to convert a .OPO to a .OPA or vice versa. - to extract, remove, replace or add an icon picture in a .OPA. - to help port applications from one machine to another. - to learn from others' experience. - NOT to hack into authorisation mechanisms etc.! NOTE: whatever your reason for using Revtran, please DO NOT distribute any modified programs without the original author's approval. See the 'Ethics' section below. What's new in V6.2 V6.2 fixes bugs that were found in V6.1, including processing of dEDITMULTI, GETDOC$, INPUT, and BYREF parameters in OPX calls. Also, "String too long" errors should no longer occur. V6.1 is the first release since V4.2 was released in 1995. The major feature added is the ability to reverse-translate OPL32 programs (e.g. Series5). The Series 3/3a versions have had very minor bugfixes, and will now run slower than before, due to additional 32-bit arithmetic in the source code for commonality with the series 5 version, plus improved error-recovery code. N.B. there have been a few unofficial "version 5" versions of Revtran created by others and which may have had a limited distribution. There is no official V5.x version. Installation You should have unzipped the following files: REVTRAN.TXT This documentation file. REVTRAN.TBL A look-up table used by Revtran. RVTRN3.OPA Series 3 or Workabout version of the program. RVTRN3A.OPA Series 3a/3c/3mx version of the program. REVTRAN.APP Series 5 version of the program. REVTRAN.AIF Series 5 Application Information File. Installation for Series 5: Make sure the 'System' folder is visible, using the System screen's Ctrl+K dialog. Create a directory System\Apps\Revtran. Copy REVTRAN.TBL, REVTRAN.APP and REVTRAN.AIF into the new directory. Revtran should now appear on the Extras bar. Installation for other machines: Put REVTRAN.TBL in a \APP or \APP\REVTRAN directory on disk A, B or M. Put RVTRN3.OPA or RVTRN3A.OPA (depending on the machine) in any directory, and "Install" it from the System screen. Note: for Series 3, you may be better sticking with Revtran v4.2, which will run faster. You can rename the .OPA file to anything you like, but REVTRAN.TBL must have that name. Running the program Start the Revtran application, then choose appropriate items from the menus presented, as follows. (Open File) This opens a .OPO or .OPA file and checks its basic details. The default directory for input files is \APP (3/3a) or \System\Apps (5), but normal Psion dialogs are used when selecting input and output files, so you can use Tab or Control-Tab to change directory, e.g. to \OPO. It is also possible to open .IMG, .APP, .ALS, .GRP, .PIC and .AIF files; these contain no translated OPL code, but may contain an embedded PIC file (usually an Icon), which Revtran can extract. On the 3/3a, if you wish to access files in the machine's internal ROM, do the following in the 'Open input file' dialog: 1. With cursor on the top line, press Control-Tab. 2. Edit the 'Full path' line to show "ROM::". 3. Press Control-Enter, then scroll the Name selector. (Open Application) On the Series 5 version, you can use this option to simultaneously open the .APP/.AIF pair of files making up an application. The dialog presents a choice of all the valid OPL applications on the machine, including the ROM ones. (Write PIC/MBM) If the input file or application contains an icon picture, you should write the picture out to a bitmap (.PIC or .MBM) file or files if you wish to reconstruct an identical .OPA later, because the reverse-translated OPL source will need to make a reference to the bitmap file(s). Some other file types also have embedded PIC files, possibly with multiple bitmaps, not all of which are icon-related (e.g. in ROM::WORLD.APP on the 3/3a). You can select which bitmaps to write out; e.g. a pair of 48x48 bitmaps to describe the black and grey planes of a Series 3a icon, or a 24x24 bitmap for a Series 3 icon. On the 3/3a, the bitmaps will be put in the M:\PIC directory by default. (Write OPL) When you write out reverse-translated OPL16 OPL, you're given the option of adding or discarding an APP..ENDA section, by choosing an OPA or OPO module type. If you keep or add an APP..ENDA section, you'll be prompted for the parameters to insert (although as many as possible are copied from the original by default). If you put a blank entry in the dialog for PATH, EXT or ICON, then that line will be omitted from the APP..ENDA section. If you choose to alter the 'Text features', you can adjust several things. You can change how new local variable and procedure parameter names are invented, but bear in mind that you may cause name clashes with global variables. You can choose to output various amounts of comments - see below. You can choose Hexadecimal output for all integer literals, although some integer literals will be output in hex even if Decimal is selected, to ensure that data types are unchanged. If you find that reverse-translated OPL has too many nested levels of structure, you can flatten out the 'ELSE' clauses by choosing 'No ELSE' for the 'ELSE and WHILE' item. If the OPL appears to have missing 'ENDWH' statements, this may be due to mis-interpretation of poorly-structured code, and you can choose 'No WHILE', which will result in 'IF' and 'GOTO' being used to achieve the correct behaviour. Output comments In the 'text features' settings, you can choose to output Terse, Medium or Verbose comments in the OPL output. With 'Medium' selected, some additional 'REM' statements will be added to the OPL output to record some numerical details which may help in debugging a Revtran problem. Also, for OPL32 code, 'Include' file comments are output, and OPX call comments are output in pass 1, to help in re-creating missing .oxh files. With 'Verbose' comments selected, source addresses are added to the end of each line. Also, OPX call comments are output during both pass 1 and pass 3, and data type conversions are shown in square brackets, both of which make the output OPL untranslatable, so you should only use Verbose output temporarily. The data type marks are [%], [&], [f] and [$], for integer, long, float and string respectively. They are inserted before the assignment "=" operator, before comparison operators, and before procedure parameter expressions which are type-converted automatically before being passed. A type mark is also inserted before any procedure call which is made without its return values being used, such as when the call is the first item on a line of code, and in this case the mark indicates the return type. Selection of PROCs to reverse-translate If there is more than one translated procedure, you can select a range of procedures to reverse-translate (from 'First proc' to 'Last proc'). This range defaults to all the procedures in the file. If you specify a 'First proc' number which is larger than 'Last proc', then all procedures will be skipped, and you will just get a REM statement naming each procedure. OPX calls and missing .OXH header files In OPL32 code (Series 5), there may be references to OPX routines, in which case Revtran needs to be able to open the corresponding .OXH file(s) during reverse-translation in order to find the routines' names, numbers of parameters and each parameter's calling scheme (by value or BYREF). If the .OXH file is not available, then the calling PROC will be skipped. You may be able to incrementally build up the missing .OXH file(s) manually, giving the OPX routines arbitrary names, and making guesses at the number of parameters until Revtran succeeds in reverse-translating the OPX calls and nearby code. This takes a lot of manual effort! Selecting 'Verbose' comments and Hexadecimal numbers in the output file is useful, as this gives more information on the types of data being passed to each call, and the return types. As a first stab you should try declaring the same number of parameters as the stack depth reported at the point the call is made, but you should reduce the number if missing stack items are then reported. Incorrect numbers of parameters will upset the parsing of subsequent code, causing various errors. So you might end up with something like: DECLARE OPX MISSING,&10001234,$100 Missing3:(p1,p2) :3 Missing34:(p1,p2,p3) :34 END DECLARE Once you have the numbers of parameters correct, you can refine the .OXH file so that the parameter types and return type are compatible with the ones reported by the 'Verbose' type marks. The presence of 'ADDR()' in a call implies either a BYREF parameter or a longword address. It is important to get the parameter types correct, otherwise there will be run-time errors when the OPX is called from re-translated code. So after further manual analysis and refinement you may now have: DECLARE OPX MISSING,&10001234,$100 Missing3&:(p1%,p2%) :3 Missing34$:(p1$,p2%,p3&) :34 END DECLARE At this stage you can do a final complete reverse-translation with Verbose comments switched off. Capabilities and limitations Revtran is intended to cope with all the OPL language constructs described in the Series 3a Programming Manual (Version 1.0), plus the 'dINITS' statement introduced for the Workabout, plus all OPL32 language consructs. It will only take as input OPO, OPA and APP files created as a result of translating OPL source code. It cannot process the compiled version of 'C' source code etc., e.g. .IMG files, other than to extract an icon picture. Versions of the Revtran program for different machines all have similar functionality, e.g. the Series 5 version can process Series 3 OPO/OPA files. However, the Series 3/3a version will not handle AIF files, nor any OPX calls in translated OPL32 code. The Series 3/3a version writes OPL code as a plain text file. The Series 5 version writes OPL code in 'texted' OPL32 source form. If you translate something from, say, English to Japanese, then reverse-translate back to English, you'll lose something in both directions. Unfortunately, the situation with Revtran is similar. Most of the information loss is in the 'translate' direction; see the 'differences' sections below. There are a few arbitrary limits hard-coded into Revtran. In each procedure to be reverse-translated, there can be no more than 40 parameters, 200 global declarations, 100 local declarations, 100 string declarations (local and global combined), 100 different references to other procedures, 100 different references to external globals, and 1200 commands. In this context, an unconditional jump (whether a 'GOTO' or as a translated part of an 'IF..ENDIF' construct etc.) counts as a 'command'. Also, any single command, when reverse-translated, is limited to 255 characters in length; whether or not this limit is breached will be affected by the choice of invented names for locals and parameters, and by the indentation string. Revtran does not run particularly quickly, even for an OPL program, partly because dynamic storage allocation is achieved by doing recursive calls to a procedure with a large local storage area. On a Series 3, with all files on the internal disk, Revtran processes roughly 400 bytes of input file per minute. On the emulator (EHWIM) running on a reasonably fast PC, it achieves about 4k per minute. The Series 3a and Series 5 versions are much faster, due to procedure cacheing and a faster CPU. Error handling and bugs Revtran will check the input file header and refuse to attempt reverse-translation if the signature is not "OPLObjectFile**" for OPL16, or if the UIDs are not correct for OPL32, although PIC file extraction is allowed with some other signatures. After that, if Revtran encounters something it isn't prepared for in the file, it is likely to raise an error message, but not recover very well; please let me know if this happens and you can't fix it (but see 'Ethics' section below). Apart from the File dialog problem mentioned below, I know of no bugs at present, but no doubt there are some! My understanding of .OPA/.OPO/.APP file content is based mostly on guesswork, not hard fact, so I've probably got some misconceptions, which will account for some of the bugs. If the errors are bad enough to crash the Series 5 Revtran (this really should not happen from version 6.2 onwards), then the output OPL file will not be closed correctly (missing trailer), and any attempt to open it in the normal way (TextEd) will give a 'Corrupt' error. You may then need a third-party program to convert it to a readable form to find out what went wrong; see my Web site for further news on this subject. On the Series 5 (ROM version 1.01), the 'dFile' dialog, as used in Revtran's Open File dialog, can crash the program if the Folder entry is selected, then Tab is pressed, or the Folder entry is touched with the pen. A workaround is to temporarily select a different Disk before attempting this. Technical description Translation After you write an OPL module, you 'translate' it to produce a .OPO, .OPA or .APP file. There is no form of security encryption involved; the purpose of translation is mainly to create a syntax-checked, semi-interpreted, compact version of the source code. The resulting file is mainly a list of procedures encoded in 'Q-code', which is executed by a software 'virtual machine', the Runtime Interpreter, in the Series 3/3a/5 when you run the program. The Q-code uses stack-based reverse-Polish logic, i.e. postfix operators etc. Each OPL function or command is translated to a specific code (one or two bytes usually). OPL control structure keywords (e.g. GOTO, IF..ENDIF, CONTINUE) are translated into jumps and conditional jumps. OPL global variable names and procedure names are stored unchanged (in upper case). OPL local variable names and procedure parameters are converted to numbered storage locations, and their names are lost. 'REM' comments are discarded. Any ICON picture is incorporated in-line. My interpretation of the Q-Code syntax (up to S3a) has been incorporated by Clive Feather into his Psionics files, at The S5-specific Q-code details are not yet there, and should appear first on my website, Reverse-translation To regenerate OPL from a Q-code file, Revtran first decodes the file header, extracting any APP details (perhaps including an icon picture). Then it deals with each procedure, after extracting global variables etc., in three passes: Pass 1: All the commands, variable assignments and jumps are identified (each command potentially invoking functions in its parameters), and local variables are found. Pass 2: In three sub-passes, by analysing the jumps, the original control structure is inferred (this is one of the more tricky bits, but it runs quickly). Pass 3: Each command is turned into text, with the addition of control structure keywords and indentation. PRINT, LPRINT and GPRINT commands, which were translated piecemeal, are reconstructed. During Pass 1 and Pass 3, Revtran needs to know how to decode particular Q-code values into the original OPL keywords. Some of this information is included in the Revtran program itself, but most of the run-of-the-mill Function and Command keywords are decoded by reference to the external table REVTRAN.TBL, which was previously generated by MKTABLE.OPO (not included in this package of files). Revtran behaves a bit like a Q-code interpreter in these phases, tracking the way that values are placed on a stack, and then are replaced by functions and removed by commands. The heuristics that Revtran uses in Pass 2 are unlikely to be foolproof, but have worked on all the test cases I have tried, with the exception of a case in which a 'GOTO' just before 'ENDIF' can (rarely) cause a 'WHILE' to be interpreted mistakenly. If you find any other example which causes 'unexpected UNTIL', 'structure fault' etc., please let me know. Differences between original and reverse-translated OPL source code The Series5 version of Revtran outputs OPL as an OPL32-style file, i.e. with UID header and special linefeed characters, although the original OPL may have been a simple text file. Any comments in the original OPL are lost. Any pre-processor directives (e.g. for HHTRAN or S3ATRAN) are lost. Indentation and spacing will be different, and there will only be one command per line (no use of ":"). Global and local declarations are made in a different order (all the globals then all the locals), but the translated effect should be the same. Storage space for originally declared but unreferenced locals will be reserved by new dummy declarations which may be of different data types (integers and strings only). Local variables, procedure parameters and labels all lose their original names, and are given invented ones. All global variables and procedure names are shown with an initial capital letter, and remaining letters in lower case. Data file record field names are shown in upper-case. Names of arrays for use in ADDR or var-parameters are always like "arr()", where the original might have used the "arr(1)" form. Literal integers may be represented differently, e.g. "$0020" would be reverse-translated as "32" (although, if you wish, you can turn on Hex output for literals). Literal floating-point numbers may be represented differently, e.g. "2.323E04" would be reverse-translated as "23230.0". Unnecessary brackets in expressions are generally not included; operator precedence rules are applied. The main exception to this is that a pair of brackets is always inserted when the '#' feature is used for var-parameters. Lists of expressions and commas in PRINT, LPRINT and GPRINT commands, may be split into a different number of commands, but the effect should be the same. Any labels which are not jumped to will vanish, and some original GOTO commands may be replaced by functionally equivalent BREAK, CONTINUE or ELSE/ELSEIF constructs. Differences between original and re-translated .OPO/.OPA If you re-translate Revtran output and compare the result against the original .OPO/.OPA, then functionally there should be no difference when the program runs, but some of the bytes may be different, as follows: Encoded source line numbers will usually be different. The source file pathname may be different. You may have changed, removed or added an icon picture. There may be other differences if a different translator version is used. Ethics Revtran is intended for private use, and must not be used to create OPL source code which is subsequently transferred to anyone else (whether modified or not, and whether re-translated or not). European law allows reverse-engineering in certain reasonable circumstances, but anything sold as a result of reverse-engineering is likely to be a breach of copyright. Regardless of the law, if a software author clearly does not want you to see the structure of his program, then it would be unethical for you to use Revtran on it. See also the lengthy discussion on the CIX psion/2_series3 topic, starting at messages #858 and #903. If you experience an error while processing another author's program, this may be because he has included code to deliberately exceed one of Revtran's limitations. If the author has explicitly requested that you don't reverse-translate, then please don't report the problem to me as a bug, as I won't fix it. However, from version 6.2, I don't expect Revtran to crash completely on an error, but at most to skip a troublesome PROC, so please let me know the details of any crashes (i.e. where the entire program terminates unexpectedly). Preventing reverse-translation Despite the above guidance to software users, some authors may wish to prevent users from reverse-translating their code. The simplest approach is to put a polite request to this effect in a program's documentation. The translation of OPL into .OPA/.OPO/.APP is not very secure; the process is direct and easily reversible. The best way to acheive good security is to write in 'C' or some other compiled language. For OPL32, you could write any sensitive code in C++ as an OPX. Listed below are some options for improving the privacy of OPL programs, but please do not ask me for more details, as I am not interested or experienced in defeating Revtran. 1. Modify all procedure and global variable names to make them meaningless. This can be done before translation, or using a special program after translation. If done after translation, it is possible to replace alphabetic characters with non- printing control characters for greater obscurity. 2. Replace some non-executed parts of the translated program with garbage, so that a reverse-translator such as Revtran will stumble or crash. A dedicated hacker will easily overcome this, by manually interpreting the Q-code structure, and modifying it using a hex editor. 3. Find some limit or bug in Revtran, and include code that crashes Revtran by exploiting it. This is unreliable, as a future version of Revtran may have bugs fixed, and anyone is free to make a modified copy of Revtran with the limitation removed. There are programs about such as OPP, NoRev and so on that offer some degree of protection based on the above techniques; it's up to you to track these down as I have no interest in them. Distribution and (lack of) support I'm distributing Revtran as Smileware - if you use it and like it, then smile :-) I wrote Revtran largely out of curiosity and to get myself familiar with OPL, rather than to make money (as opposed to the people who make money selling anti-Revtran programs!!). Even so, you're welcome to send tokens of appreciation if you find Revtran useful! I do not promise any user support (try me anyway), but would welcome bug reports and constructive criticism. Why not drop me a line anyway as a sort of informal registration. Please quote version number and machine type. Over half the code for Series 5 support (new in v6.1) was developed by Gareth James, and a couple of small improvements were suggested by Gavin Lewarne. Apart from these details, Revtran is all my own work, and if you use any of the better bits of my source code, please credit me as author. You are welcome to use Revtran on itself (but don't distribute any changed version), and if you need access to the original source code I will give it and other notes to you for a fee of 15 pounds sterling. You may freely give Revtran to your friends, unmodified and including REVTRAN.TXT, but if you wish to make it any more public (on a BBS or website for example), let me know so that I have a chance of keeping it up-to-date. The best way to list it on the Web is to link to my home page You may find the most recent version on CIX, in the psion/files topic, or at the Imperial College Sunsite in, or on my web page Copyright etc. Revtran is copyright of the author. You must not use Revtran (source code or executable) for financial gain or to infringe other authors' copyright. It is your responsibility to use Revtran within the law. No warranty is given on this program. No liability for any damage or loss to equipment, data or software will be assumed. You use this program at your own risk. Revtran must not be sold, and may be freely distributed (see above) provided that this copyright notice always accompanies it unaltered. Revtran must not be used commercially, but otherwise permission is granted for free use of the program and its source code in any legal way which does not involve financial gain. Psion is a registered trademark, and Psion Series 3, Series 3a, Series 5, Workabout and SSD are trademarks of Psion PLC. IBM PC is a trademark of International Business Machines Corp. Author Mike Rudin 26 Lovell Rd, Cambridge ENGLAND CB4 2QR Or email me on CIX: [End of Revtran manual]