Solitaire Deluxe Development Kit v0.10 -------------------------------------- Solitaire Deluxe Development Kit for plug-in's FatCatz Software 2/8/98 CONTENTS -------- 1. File contents 2. Beta introduction 3. Installation 4. Licence 1. FILE CONTENTS ---------------- The compressed file consist of 6 files; readme.txt golf.opl klondike.opl sdd.opo gfm.mbm sdd.hlp 2. BETA INTRODUCTION -------------------- When Solitaire Deluxe was first released many people had ask me what was the format for coding a plug-in. It has been nearly half a year since I wrote Solitaire Deluxe and when I look at the code now my reaction is 'Did I write this mess!' Anyway the Solitaire Deluxe Development Kit (SDDK) is now here and my questions are, will anyone be able to understand what I have written, and will anyone now be interested to code a plug-in. If I get a positive response then the SDDK will continue to be improved. So whats does the SDDK have? It contains a debugger for the actual testing of the plug-in, it also contains the source code for Golf, with full comments and the source code for Klondike, unfinished and with no comments, both are available for your reference. The description of the plug-in format is not very clear at the moment so my next job will be to describe the format of the plug-in in more detail. Remember if you use the SDDK email me and let me know 3. INSTALLATION --------------- The SDDK can be installed anywhere but it is recommended that it has it's own directory. You must have Solitaire Deluxe installed for the Solitaire Debugger to work. I have also supplied the Klondike source code, it is unfinished and the code is in a mess but feel free to have a look. Believe me my programming skills have improved since I coded (attempted anyway) Klondike. For further instructions read sdd.hlp 4. LICENSE ---------- Redistribution and use of source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. The SDDK is provided "AS IS" and without any warranty, whether express or implied. You acknowledge that any work that you perform using the SDDK is done entirely at your own risk. 2. There can be no commercial gain from the distribution the source code but you can use and modify the source code for you own program(s), shareware or freeware with or without a credit to FatCatz Software for free. For the latest version go to; FatCatz