3T Simple File Manager for Psion Series 5. Version 5.04 28th February, 1998 New: Can now be started in any folder from a command line. Sorting is now case-independant. New in 5.03: Ctrl-P now allows file datestamps to be viewed and changed. Ctrl-S now shows bookmark list and selector. Ctrl-B now shows bookmark list and selector. Ctrl-V now views bitmap files. Last folder position saved on exit, restored on startup. Binary viewer now allows scrolling up and down. Better filtration of non-printing characters in binary viewer. New in 5.02: Ctrl-O now opens files in their built-in application. Minor bug fixes. New in 5.01: Ctrl-J now goes to 'Open Files Task List'. Ctrl-H displays files in hexadecimal format, Ctrl-T displays files in plain text format (Lines end with CR-LF, and are clipped at the right screen edge. Both these display modes allow the use of the Down Arrow key to move to the next 'page', and any other key exits these modes. Ctrl-P now shows file size, attributes, and allows latter to be changed. Any file selector displayed now starts in folder C:\Documents, if this exists. This prevents a OPL crash when tab is pressed in some instances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Although the Series 5 has all the functions of a file manager incorporated into its system screen, I thought it would be interesting to try adapting my 3T for the Series 3a/c. What 3T will do: ---------------- Display 51 sorted files per screenful, which can be paged up and down. Copy single files, whole directory trees, and tagged multiple files and folders to a different location. Move files and directory trees as above. Delete single files, directory trees, and tagged files. Make new folders. Rename files and folders. Show file sizes, show/change datestamps, and show/change attributes. View plain text files. View files in hexadecimal form. View bitmaps (.MBM). Bookmark up to 8 folders. Launch files in their built-in applications. Installation. ------------- Make a new folder on your Psion Series 5 as follows: C:\System\Apps\ThreeT Copy the files listed below to this folder: ThreeT.aif ThreeT.app The "3T" icon should now appear on your "Extras" bar. Note that 3T will make a small file "ThreeT.ini" in the same folder. You may alternatively copy "ThreeT.app" to any folder, from where it may be run by double-tapping. This application does not require SYSRAM1.OPX. The Display. ------------ 3T has a display similar to that on the Series 3a version. It will show up to 51 files at a time. If there are more files, you can page down and up using the normal Series 5 keys, Fn-DownArrow, and Fn-UpArrow. You can move about the display using the arrow keys. If you press the DownArrow while the last file is displayed, the screen will page down if there are more files. Similarly the screen will page up if you press UpArrow while the first file on the second, third etc. page is displayed. In addition, you can move about a displayed page by pressing the first letter of the desired filename. Repeated presses of the same letter will cycle through all the files (on that page) starting with that letter. 3T will handle up to 200 files in a folder, and display the first 15 (approx) letters of the filename. Folders are identified by a trailing backslash \. Alas, if the folder name is too long to be completely displayed, the backslash will not be visible, but it will still behave as a folder. The file are sorted, with the folders shown first. Pressing Enter when a folder is highlighted will move to that folder. You can move back to the previous folder by either pressing the Esc key, or pressing Enter when is highlighted. 3T has 8 bookmarks. This enables you to save up to 8 folder locations in memory, and move between them very easily. The display will refresh when the Series 5 is switched on, or is brought to the foreground. The Controls. ------------- You can command 3T using the toolbar, hot keys, or the menu. The hot keys are as follows: Control-B Go to a bookmark. 3T has eight bookmarks, which are used to store any drive and folder combination. Ctrl-B displays the set bookmarks, press the number, then Enter, to go to the folder. Control-S Save current location as a bookmark. Press Ctrl-S, then a number between 1 and 8, and Enter, to save the location. Saved locations are written to memory when you exit 3T, and automatically reload next time you run the application. Control-C This enables you to copy a file, or complete folder tree, to another location. It also allows the copying of tagged files and folder trees. In the case of files, single or tagged, if a file of the same name is encountered in the target folder, the copied file is renamed in the same way as if the copy had been performed from the Series 5 system screen. (e.g. "File" will be named as "File(01)"). In the case of copied folders, any files within of the same name are overwritten. Control-D Deletes files and folders. If you delete a folder, the entire contents of files and folders within it will also be deleted. If there is a read-only file, or an open file, somewhere inside the folder tree, the delete will abort when this is encountered. Control-E Exits 3T, saving the bookmarks. Control-H Displays files in hexadecimal form. Pressing the DownArrow key moves down a screenfull, UpArrow moves up a screenfull, any other key exits this mode. Control-I Displays the 3T information screen. Control-J Displays the Series 5 Open Files List, from where you can jump to other running applications. Control-M Move a file, a folder tree, or tagged files and folders. If existing files of the same name are encountered, the moved files will be renamed as in Copy. Control-N This allows you to create a new folder, in the folder shown on the status line below the main display window. Control-O Open file. If a file is highlighted, pressing Ctrl-O will open that file in its built-in application. This works for: Paint, Record, Agenda, OPL editor, Data, Sheet, and .OPO programs. Press Fn-System to return to 3T. If you exit the launched application, you are left at the system screen as normal. Press Fn-System to get back to 3T. NOTE All files opened this way are left open, even if you exit 3T. You can go to any open application from within 3T by pressing Ctrl-J, or from the system screen by also pressing Ctrl-J, or from within any application by pressing Ctrl-System. Control-P Properties - Shows file size, date/timestamp, and file attributes. The attributes can be changed, also the date and timestamp can be set to anywhere between 01-01-1980 and 2038. Press 'Change' to save any changes, 'Leave' or Esc aborts. Control-Q Allows the drive to be changed. Control-R Allows a file or folder to be renamed. Control-T Displays files as plain text, unwrapped and clipped at the edge of the window. The DownArrow key moves to the next screenfull, any other key exits this mode. Control-V Will display the current selected bitmap (.MBM) file. If the picture size is larger than the Series 5 screen, the image will be clipped at the right and/or lower edges. The image is viewed in 4 colour mode. Control-Enter Allows a file or folder to be tagged for a batch operation. If this is repeated on a tagged item, it will be "untagged". You can tag files in the same folder for batch copy, move and deletion. Be careful! Del The delete key performs the same as Control-D. Up, Down, Left, Right, PgUp, PgDn all move the cursor around the screen. Esc Move to the previous folder, or change drive, if at the root folder. Menu Activates the menu. These hot keys have been chosen with some respect for Series 5 guidelines. However, the system screen file management functions work a different way, so exact copies of those hot keys are not appropriate. For example, to move a file from the system screen requires a Control-X, change folder, and a Control-V. Here in 3T, Control-M seems to be suitable, as zooming has not been implemented anyway! Note an apparent bug in the OPL file selector will not allow the C:\System folder to be selected. If you need to copy or move a file to this folder, press Tab while the file selector is showing, and select the System folder using the full file selector. After this has been done, the file selector seems to work correctly. Note that this applies to Series 5 software Version 1.00 and 1.01, and may be fixed in later versions. Please note that this application can and does DELETE files and folders. I hope that it will not delete files and folders other than those you intend it to! There may be bugs and faults within 3T which cause unexpected results, although these are not intended or known to me. Use 3T AT YOUR OWN RISK. I claim no responsibility for any unwanted effects whatsoever. You, the user, are responsible for anything which may happen while 3T is installed on your Series 5 or other computer or filing system. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Note also that 3T is NOT intended to damage your Series 5 file system! A version of 3T is also available for the Psion Series 3a/c and Siena. Any comments are welcome. Send them to me: Roger Muggleton hzk@cix.co.uk http:\\www.cix.co.uk\~hzk\