FreeMem v1.10 ------------- The memory taken by the system seems to increase with time as programs and documents are opened and closed. In fact, there is no memory leaks but EPOC caches procedures and does not deallocate all the memory when an application is closed in case it is opened again soon. This saves time and reduces the fragmentation. However the memory gets fragmented with time and it reduces performances (large memory segments are spread over serveral cells). FreeMem defragments the memory and reclaims all the unused segments. FreeMem is also available as a macro for Macro5 or as a batch for CronTab (frees up the memory but does not display a report). Installation: ------------- 1 - Install the package FreeMem.sis as you do with any SIS file : double-click on it either on the PC or on the Series 5. 2 - If you don't already have it, install also SystInfo.sis Usage: ------ Run FreeMem from System or the Extras-bar. Once the memory is cleaned up, FreeMem displays a report with the memory used before, the memory used after, and the memory freed. Planned enhancements : ---------------------- None. Known issues : -------------- None. Copyright : ----------- This program has been written by Pascal NICOLAS. It may be distributed freely as long as it is not altered or sold. This program is a SmileWare, which means that if you use it, you "MUST" send me a :-) At this point, many many thanks and :-) to MattM who gave me the trick on how to clean up the memory. Pascal NICOLAS Email : Latest version at