Teddy - A simple plain text editor for the Psion series 5 "Teddy" is a very basic plain text editor based on the multiple line editor option for Series 5 dialogs. I have limited it to handling files of less than about 30k, as it's not really very serious, just an investigation of dEDITMULTI. "Teddy" loads and saves quite slowly, about 10 seconds for a 30k file. Also the screen width is limited and cannot be zoomed, so it may be difficult to get an idea of the layout of your text. There appears to be a bug in the dFILE command - the folder C:\System does not appear as expected in the file selectors. To work around this, highlight rhe folder field, press TAB, and select C:\System this way. The format of the dEDITMULTI text buffer is not the same as DOS text, so there is some conversion involved both on read and write. As a result, it is sometimes possible to load a text file, save it immediately, and notice a small increase in size! This is normally due to one of two things: i) a CR not matched with a LF, or ii) an ASCII 6 character occurring in your original text file. So if you have a lonely CR in your original text, "Teddy" will add a LF. If there is an ASCII 6 character, "Teddy" will convert it to a CR LF sequence. Normal editing controls should work, as well as cut and paste. There are two ways you can install "Teddy". TEDDY.APP can be copied into any folder, where it can be started by double-tapping it in the usual way. To make "Teddy" appear on the 'Extras' display, make a directory C:\SYSTEM\APPS\TEDDY\ and copy the two files, TEDDY.APP and TEDDY.AIF to it. I am sure that someone will port a decent text editor to the Series 5, but in the meantime, if "Teddy" is of any use please let me know! New in version 1.07 Teddy now prevents a file from loading if it is too big! The use of UpArrow no longer required. Thanks to Henry, 101550.573@compuserve.com for his brain-power in providing this solution! New in version 1.06 Dialogs used for file selectors now permit use of drive Z and C:\System. Notes for version 1.05 "Teddy" now has its own unique UID which should not clash with anything. "Teddy" still loads files of some sizes slowly, this does not seem to be related to file size or content. A "Please wait" message appears in the centre of the window after the file conversion phase. TEDDY.OPO has been removed, as TEDDY.APP works from any folder. NOTES for version 1.03 I have altered the shortcut keys to the Psion standard: Ctrl-O opens an existing file, Ctrl-N starts a new file. Ctrl-E saves and exits the editor. Escape quits without saving, so be careful! The maximum file size is now 30k. There has to be a limit, because since "Teddy" is based on a dialog, it cannot dynamically allocate memory as required. File loading and saving is now very much quicker, and some cosmetic changes show what is going on! Note that the display is quite unlike that which could be easily achieved with OPL on a Series 3a/c! Roger Muggleton 14th February, 1998 Email: hzk@cix.co.uk