I Searched the internet for something that did what this program does , couldn't find one - so wrote my own ! Primarily intended for use on the Psion Revo , all it does is quietly sit in the background and constantly swap the clock display in any current toolbar between the time and the Day/Date . Why? Well on my old Series 3 ( and the Series 5 ) it was possible for the clock to show both the time and the date at the same time - on the Revo because of the restricted space given to the clock in the toolbar this is no longer possible , I seem to NEVER know what the date is so I was constantly tapping the clock to swap between the time and the date . Now I have ClokSwp it 'taps' the clock display for me - every 3-4 seconds switching between the clock and the date automatically . I have tried the program on a Series 5 and it works perfectly , but only swaps between the analogue clock and the digital one - I expect it would do the same on a NetBook / Series 7 but can't prove it . Either way no harm should come of it . When ClokSwp is started , the display should show a welcome notice and a clock in the lower right corner of the screen , this should change between the time and date once every 3-4 seconds . If you look at the clock in ANY toolbar you should see it also change from the time to the Day/Date every 3-4 seconds . ClokSwp is now running normally ! While ClokSwp is running it causes some of the veiws in Agenda to flash each time the clock display is updated , if using on the Series 5 it will badly affect the Year view , for this reason if the Agenda program comes to the foreground , ClokSwp will 'go to sleep' and stop changing the display over , once the Agenda is no longer in the foreground ClokSwp will resume its swapping action once more . It is possible to set the frozen Agenda display to either the time or the date by pressing Ctrl+T ( time ) or Ctrl+D ( date ) when the ClokSwp program is displayed . As this can cause the Agenda display to flash ( once only ) while the Time or Date is brought to the foreground , you can set this to Auto with the Ctrl+A command . Once set to Auto the display will be frozen on which ever item was displayed when the Agenda program came to the foreground , if set to Time or Date then the display will be changed if neccessary then frozen on the selected display while the Agenda is in the foreground . Obviously while the Agenda view is displayed , tapping the clock/date display will manually change it over as normal , overridding any settings in ClokSwp . ClokSwp is initially locked . This means that the System screen is unable to close it ( displaying the 'Open Files' Dialog and trying to close ClokSwp will show that the program is 'Busy' ) it will also NOT be closed when a backup is performed . The reason for this is that the backup program is unable to re-start ClokSwp if it has been closed for a backup , so I was constantly having to re-start it myself. When a backup is first attempted while ClokSwp is running ( and is locked ) it will try to close ClokSwp a couple of times and then continue with the backup , after the backup is completed a message box will notify you that the ClokSwp.app file could not be backed up and ask you if you wish to retry , if you click on the 'No' Button then backup will not ask the same question any more in the future . For this reason I recommend that you perform a backup ***************** IMMEDIATELY AFTER ***************** first installing ClokSwp and ****** BEFORE ****** running the program . In order to allow you to have at least one backup of the ClokSwp program files . ClokSwp is closed ( if required ) by moving to the program and pressing the Ctrl+E , pressing Ctrl+L locks or unlocks the program ( once unlocked the System Screen and the backup program can then close the program on request ) and pressing 'Enter' hides the program and you can continue to use your Psion in the usual way . NOTE In order to minimise the battery consumption to the absolute minimum there will be a delay of 5-6 seconds from pressing a key before ClokSwp acts on it , this is unavoidable . If the ClokSwp screen is displayed immediately following ( or during ) a backup this delay could be as long as 30 seconds due to the lock mechanism filtering out the messages from the backup program asking it to close down . ClokSwp is freeware , I use it on my Revo permanently ( I NEVER close it !! ) and I have not suffered from any unusual growths, injuries or data loss as a result . I cannot promise that you won't either . Copyright Mark Stevenson 2000 mkstevo@nildram.co.uk History : ( If you're interested...) V0.1 May 2000 Figured out how to change the clock display programatically and proved that it could work at all . V1 1st July 2000 Released on the unsuspecting public ( poor things.. ) 19/09/2000 Alerted to the 'flashing' Agenda displays problem . Asked for assistance via various newsgroups but nobody could think of an answer . Tried a few things which didn't work ; resigned to failure yet again :-(( (deep depression) V1.1 28th Sept 2000 I eventually found a way of reading the program name and UID of the foreground application , used this to freeze the display when the Agenda was currently set to the foreground . No more flashing to-do lists - Hurrah ! V1.2 19 Oct 2000 It was requested that the time display was set , when the Agenda came to the foreground , rather than being a random selection . I did this , adding the facility to select the 'frozen' display between either time , date or auto . The reason for the auto setting is that if when the Agenda comes to the forground , the display is not as the user setting , the Agenda display will flash as the correct display is selected . When Auto is selected , this does not happen , the display is simply frozen showing either the time or date , whichever happened to be displayed at the time . V1.3 22 Oct 2000 Proper menus and shortcut commands at last ! ClokSwp no longer opens and closes immediately on starting , giving a little time to explore the menu commands and read the keypress delay warnings .