COLOR MAGIC DEMO for Psion Series 7 and netBook Version 1.0 INSTALLATION 1. Download the file to your PC or EPOC device. 2. Unpack the Zip file contents, and double click on ColorMagicDemo.SIS file. 3. Follow the instructions which will guide you through the installation process. 4. Go to Control panel in the System screen and double tap Color Magic icon. DESCRIPTION Take a look on the Psion Series 7 or netBook. Desktop, menus, dialogs and buttons are in white, black and gray colors! And there is no way to customize their colors and sizes. Color Magic allows you to change the way desktop, menus, dialogs, buttons and other screen elements look. Change color and font of any screen element. Create your own color scheme. Yellow menus? Blue dialogs? Why not! Get more from your color device! You can access Color Magic through the Control panel. The Preview window in the Color Magic dialog shows how the current color settings will look. There is also a list of color schemes that you can use to change the appearance of many screen elements simultaneously. The screen elements in each scheme are different colors and sizes. You can use existing schemes or create and save your own schemes. If you want to change the appearance of only one screen element, click that element in the Preview window or choose it in the Item list, and then change the appropriate settings. REQUIREMENTS Psion Series 7 or netBook. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2000 EPOCWARE Inc, Paragon Software. EPOCWARE Inc is a subsidary of Paragon Software. Created by Andrey Scherbakov. All rights reserved.