Commander 1.11 for the Psion Series 5 -------------------------------------------- Released as FreeWare in March '99 To install Commander: 1) Make sure the \System folder is shown on your Series 5 system screen. If it's not, enable it in the 'Preferences' dialog. 2) Go into \System\Apps and make a new folder called "Commander" 3) Using PsiWin, copy across all the files from this distribution into the new \System\Apps\Commander folder. 4) That's it! There will be a new icon on your Extras bar. ----------------------------------------------------------- Keys: - Cursor Up, Down, PgUp, PgDn, Home, End - Switch between the two windows: TAB - Selection: space,+, -, * keys - Changing current drive: left window: CTRL+1, right window: CTRL+2 Functions: - Copy: CTRL+C - Move: CTRL+M - Delete: CTRL+D - Rename: CTRL+Z - New folder: CTRL+N - Change file/folder attributes: CTRL+A - Info about current drive, folder: CTRL+I - Info about (sub)tree: CTRL+T - View file: CTRL+V - Edit file: CTRL+E - Find file/folder: CTRL+F - Sort on screen: CTRL+S (unsorted, by name, by size) - Refresh screen: CTRL+R - Tree-view: CTRL+W (cursor up, down, Home, End, Enter) - Task list: CTRL+L - Start application by .app file, or it's data file (This version works only on ROM-based application.) : Enter - Help: CTRL + H Note: You can delete the Commander.mbm file if you don't need the pics. (At first take a look of it.) ----------------------------------------------------------- If you have any problems, or suggestions for improvements, please write me. For support.... send an E-mail to: Homepage: Ferenc Sarlos Hungary