JB5Launch Version 1.0 (c)JBSoft 1998/9 ³ ÃÄ¿ ÀÂÁÄÙ ÀÄ¿ ÄÄÙ Overview -------- This is a program for the S5 that helps launching pre-selected applications, documents and OPO files easily and quickly. It is basically designed to keep the normal Extras bar clear of programs that aren't in everyday use. Like all my programs this is free of registration and charges. Selected applications are removed from the normal "Extras Bar" until they are "deleted" from JB5Launch (this doesn't delete any files concerned with the application, just removes the relevant entries inside JB5Launch). N.B. This hiding will not occur if the icon has been specifically placed on the bar - this appears to be a bug with EPOC32 rather than a bug with my program as a hidden application (with FLAGS 2 to hide it) will still show the icon on the bar if it is positioned in a specific place. The program's interface is not graphical, has no menu or tool bar, as these are slowing factors, and are actually not needed although this may change in the future if the speed problem can be addressed successfully. It functions with buttons for selecting program options and a drop down listbox to facilitate selection of an application to either RUN or ADD to a predefined group. Installation ------------ If using PsiWin 2.x within Windows then just click on the JB5LAUNCH.SIS. The program will appear in the "normal" Extras Bar after the installation. If installing from somewhere other than Windows then you will need to obtain INS_TE.EXE and install that on your EPOC32 machine. This will enable .SIS files to be decoded using the EPOC32 machine. The OPX files are automatically installed and the SIS files have only been included for completeness should there be a problem with another application when de-installing JB5Launch. Operation --------- JB5Launch can run all external applications, OPL programs as well as load documents linked to applications. These are kept in what I have chosen to call "bars". The name is not really significant but the program started off just cleaning up the Extras bar so it seemed an appropriate title. There are two modes of operation. One is adding or deleting applications and whole bars from the program's database, and the second is actually running them. In all program modes, the button "Edit" (Ctrl+E) will enter the appropriate object's editing mode, be it a BAR's properties, an application, or the program's bars' setup. Setting up the first bar: The program functions with cascading bars and sub-bars. There is always a "top" bar called "Bar" (similar to a root directory on a disk). This name cannot be modified. All other bars are below this one. Since this name is not really significant, most users will choose not to add actual applications to this bar, but instead create more significantly named ones, like Utils, Games, Disk Utils etc... (Yes, you can have two-worded names...). Names can be any reasonable length and will go over more than one line if either spaces are detected or overlong words are detected. The first time you run JB5Launch and select Applications to install, the program operates a search on all the present applications. Lets create a bar with an appropriate name. Running the program for the first time will cause a dialog box to appear: +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Installation | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Application Add App again New Bar OPL Program Document | | Ctrl+A Ctrl+G Ctrl+B Ctrl+O Ctrl+D | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ Here you can select to add a new bar. Press "New Bar". An edit window appears: +--------------------------------------+ | Bar: New Bar | +--------------------------------------+ | | | Name:______________________________ | | | +--------------------------------------+ Type in its (significant for you) name and press enter. Lets call this first bar "Utils1". The following dialog appears, with the names of all your defined bars (in this case there is only one): +--------------------------------------+ | Bar: Item to run | +--------------------------------------+ | | | Utils1 Edit | | Ctrl+T Ctrl+E | | | +--------------------------------------+ You need to edit this Utils1 bar, to add applications, so press Utils1... You are presented with the following dialog: +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Installation | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Application Add App again New Bar OPL program Document | | Ctrl+A Ctrl+G Ctrl+B Ctrl+O Ctrl+D | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ You could add another bar here ("New Bar"), but that can wait until later. Here you are requested to add a new (the first) application, add an application again (for when it already exists on another bar and it is required to add it to a another bar), OPL program (OPO) or Document. Selecting either OPL program or Document will generate a dialog box to enable selection of the appropriate item. Navigate to the directory containing the file and then select the file name and press Enter. +----------------------------------------+ | Choose OPL program (or Document) | +----------------------------------------+ | OPL Name << >> | | << >> | | <> | | Cancel OK | | Esc Enter | +----------------------------------------+ Navigation can be done by pressing Tab whilst the field below the OPL Name field is highlighted and then moving up and down the eventually shown directory tree, or by starting to type the path of the file. Alternatively select Ctrl+A or Ctrl+G and the program will go off and search the drives for all available applications. Once these have been gathered you then get a new dialog... +----------------------------------------+ | Utils1 Bar: Select Application to add | +----------------------------------------+ | Filename << SmartFormat >> | | | | Cancel Accept | | Esc Enter | +----------------------------------------+ Press TAB or click inside the drop-down window to open the Filename selection list, go to the application you want to add, and press Enter, then click "Accept", or press Enter a second time. Lets assume that you added the "SmartFormat" application. Note: This application has been removed from the "normal" Extras Bar by now. If you wish to add an application that has already been added elsewhere (and therefore hidden) you need to select the alternative option of "Add App again" and this will show every application that is on your drives. JB5Launch will present you now with the usual "Application to Run" dialog, from which you can either run an application or continue editing the existing bars. +--------------------------------------+ | Utils1: Application to run | +--------------------------------------+ | | | Application: << SmartFormat >> | | | | Run Edit Back | | Enter Ctrl+E Ctrl+B | | | +--------------------------------------+ Let's add a new application to Utils1 now: Click "Edit" and the following Dialog appears (again): +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Utils1: Applications Edit | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Application: << SmartFormat >> | | | | Add Delete Edit Find Bars Edit Help Exit | | Ctrl+A Ctrl+D Ctrl+C Ctrl+F Ctrl+E Ctrl+H Ctrl+Q | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ This time a "Delete" button appeared. Selecting a Bar's application and pressing Delete will remove it from the current bar, and add it back to the "normal" Extras Bar. "Edit" allows you to edit the link and "Find" allows you to search all bars to find an item. This is useful if you know you've included the item on a bar but can't remember which one. The search clue should not include any wildcards and case is not important. For the moment you want to Add an application, so press "Add" and then "Application", let the program prepare the available applications list, open the list and select a new application just like you did the first time. +----------------------------------------+ | Utils1 Bar: Select Application to add | +----------------------------------------+ | Filename << Optimize >> | | | | Cancel Accept | | Esc Enter | +----------------------------------------+ Press "Accept". You now have two applications in the bar called "Utils1", and you can run them from the next dialog box: +--------------------------------------+ | Utils1: Application to run | +--------------------------------------+ | | | Application: << SmartFormat >> | | | | Run Utils1 Edit | | Enter Ctrl+T Ctrl+E | | | +--------------------------------------+ You can add up to seven sub-bars per bar and as many programs and documents as you like to each bar. That's all there is to creating bars and adding programs to them. By clicking the appropriate buttons you can edit bars (change their name etc.). Deleting a bar will only be successful if there are no sub-bars installed on the bar to delete. Applications installed on the chosen bar will be added to the Extras bar. Running an application ---------------------- Just "navigate" to it through the cascading bars and eventual sub- bars, select it in the drop down list, then press enter. After running an application, JB5Launch terminates, and using it again requires running it again. JBToggle -------- If you wish to unhide an application (or, in fact, hide one) without actually using JB5Launch then I have provided a small OPO program in the JB5Launch directory that will do this - JBToggle. If an application has been updated then its view status is likely to have changed and, rather than remove it from the bar and then re-install it, running this program will sort out the problem without needing to go through a major operation. The program doesn't have to reside in the JB5Launch application but, as it is associated with it, it made sense to start with it there. You can move it to anywhere convenient. Limitations ----------- Only seven sub-bars may be created in any one bar. The more applications present on a given bar will slow the display of that bar slightly. Thanks ------ My heartfelt thanks are due to Eitan Gilboa who did most of the beta testing and writing of this manual. He also came up with some valuable ideas and so will get a percentage of the profits of this free application. Release History --------------- 1.0 First public release Contact ------- John Boyce CompuServe: 100014,1240 CIX: jboyce Internet: john@jbsoft.cix.co.uk John Boyce 9 February 1999