MENUS5 - Launcher (version 2.6) ------------------------------- The file "" contains the installation files for the Series5/5mx or MC218 machine. The file "" contains the installation files for the Revo machine. The file "" contains the installation files for the Series7 and netBook machines. Regarding the Revo, netBook and Series7, please do not take care about all informations concerning the backlight which are mentioned in this file. Tired of searching your program in the Extra bar (which are moving each time you add a new one) ? Then use MenuS5 ! This program is copyright of 'Henri Spagnolo' !WARNING! Henri Spagnolo cannot and does not accept any liability for the unlikely event of an error, defect or failure of the software including any loss of any kind. What's new in version 2.6 - Corrected a little problem with the link to Folder function (only for Series5/5mx/MC218 and Series7/netBook). - Modification of the Move function to match the current page in the dialog box. - Modification of the Sound function, now the little icon is different if sounds are enabled or not. What's new in version 2.5 - Complete modification of the hotkeys function. Now you can select the combinaison of keys you want (not only CTRL+FN+key, but also silkscreen buttons) to call back the program (the "other" hotkey function has been removed, because of this modification). - Corrected a little problem with PDF files if used with PDF+. - Modification of the Julian function, now you can select as input the date or the Julian for calculating. - Modification of the "Exit" function, now you can disable the "Backup" dialog box when exiting the program. To re-activate, an entry in the menu has been added. What's new in version 2.4 - Creation of an Italian version (thanks to Paolo Esini). - Corrected a little problem with the "print" function. What's new in version 2.3 - Creation of a German version. Use of a ".RSC" file (A special thanks to Fredy Ott for the German translation). - Add a command history (accessible by pressing the "TAB" button or clicking on the name of the page (bottom-right of the screen). - Add in the "battery" function the percentage. - Modification in the "alarm" function of the time format: now the format (12 or 24) is as defined in the "system" screen. - The "system information" screen is automaticaly closed after some seconds. - Some cosmetic changes. What's new in version 2.2 - Added in "Preferences" a special function which enable to close all applications including MenuS5 if a specific program (eg: Checkdisk, DiskEditor, Optimize, SmartFormat or a backup program like SBU, Backup or FlashBack) is run from MenuS5. - The left silkscreen button "Infrared" has been changed with a function which let configure the Remote link as the system screen does (whith the baud rate). The Link button on the toolbar has not been changed and works as before. - Use of the new version of the Systinfo.opx and Sysram1.opx to be more compatible. - Some cosmetic changes. What's new in version 2.1 - Added a new shortcut (hotkey) for calling to foreground MenuS5. It is possible to set the silkbutton "Extras" or CTRL+"Extras" (see "Preferences"). - Added in the choice of the text editor (for the files .TXT), the program "Editor" (if installed) from Symbian. A great editor, in my humble opinion. - If Opera (the web browser) is installed, HTML documents can be run with it, else the default browser will be used. - PDF (Portable Document Format) documents are now recognized if the program "Pdf" is installed. - Corrected a little highlight problem when changing pages if done by double-clicking. - If changes have been done in the configuration, a control has been add when exiting the program asking for a backup. What's new in version 2.0 - Added a "Create new file" function. Now MenuS5 is able to create as many files as you want, so you are not any more limited to 260 entries, but only by the free space on disks. The new file which is created, could be empty or based on an existing file (model), you select the links you want to keep in the new file. - Added an "Open file" function. - Added a "Delete file" function. - The "Save/Restore" function has been modified to backup and restore all the files which have been created. - Added a "Sounds settings" function, (the "close button" in the toolbar has been replaced with this function). - Added a "MBM" viewer. - For changing pages, the shortcut (up and down arrows) has been changed with CTRL+UP and CTRL+DOWN arrows. - UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT arrows can be used now to navigate in pages, then press the "ENTER" key for running the link. - The creation date of a "note" is now stored. When modifying a note both dates are displayed. - If a link does not exist anymore, choice is offered to delete or modify the link (before it was automaticaly deleted), excepted when using the "run all program on page" function). - Corrected a little problem with the "Remote link", "Infrared" and "Control Panel" in the REVO version (other machines are not concerned). - Some cosmetics changes (some shortcuts have been changed, the menu and toolbar also). Now CTRL+U toogle the toolbar. What's new (version 1.9) - Added a "Note" function which allow to takes little notes up to 1000 characters and linking them directly on pages of the menu. - Added link to TIFF and BMP files if MBMViev is installed. - Correction of a little problem when running the new version of TomeRaider (Tr2). - Now able to link and run ".EXE" files with or without commands (parameters or switchs). - "Calendar" function has been modified allowing now the possibility to add directly in the Agenda the day or Julian number. - Some cosmetics changes. What's new (version 1.8) - Creation of a separated version for the Series7. - Minor bugs corrected. - Replacement of the "Calendar" function in the toolbar, by a Julian calculator and date information. - Modification of the batteries function (the Revo is not concerned). What's new (version 1.7) - Add a "Save/Restore" function which allows to save the configuration file for a restore in case of problems or undesirated changes. - Creation of a separated version for the Revo, the Series7 version is not available for now, but will be out soon. What's new (version 1.6) - For more compatibility in the english version, the shortcut for the List open files has been set to CTRL+F, then the file manager is set to CTRL+J. - Add for the alarm function the choice of your own sounds files (if located in system\alarms). - Add in Preferences the possibility to run the toolbar at startup. - Add a control when linking to folders (check if the option "Open multiple files" is set to Fn+Enter in the System screen) - Add the possibility to choose only one hotkey for calling back the program (in version 1.5 a different hotkey for each different page has been set, now both options are possible). - Some cosmetics changes. What's new (version 1.5) - Add display of day and week number. - Add alarm function. - Add "Move entry" function. - Add a screen cleaner. - Correction of a little problem with Powerbase files. - Modification of "Cable, Infrared and Backlight" icons. - When deleting an entry, display of the name of the link deleted. - Possibility to choose a different hotkey for each different page. - Add an eastern egg (a little surprise is hidden in the program, find it. Here is a little help: internal MenuS5 text editor and Alice in Wonderland). - Backup battery display status. What's new (version 1.4) - Minor bug fixed when linking to folder, the display name of the page disapears. - Add in the "Preferences", a "Backlight" button, which let you have the full control of backlight. - Cosmetic change in the .OPO function. What's new (version 1.3) - Minor bugs fixed. - Add the print function which allows to print all the entries setup in pages. - Add the "Kill all applications on current page" - A special character, in the choice list of available programs, indicate if the program is already setup in a page. What's new (version 1.2) - MX compatible - Links to folders. - .TXT files choice - .MBM files choice - "IR" indicator in the toolbar if infrared has been activated from MenuS5 - All the keys are now enable for the hotkey (CTRL+FN+...) - Creation of a database of all the applications present on your drives to increase speed when setup an entry. - Now MenuS5 is able to recognize all the applications which are able to create new documents, and not only the standard Psion applications. - File manager included. - ASCII table. - Automatic defragmentation of memory. - When setup an entry, it is possible to use the default file name (limited to the first 9 characters) for the display name, just leave the display name field blank. - Free memory control when running an application (if memory is less 300K, application will not be loaded). - Highlight of the last program or document loaded - It is possible now to click also on the display name to run programs. UPDATE ------ When installing an update, please close the program, then install, on the same drive as previous version, the update WITHOUT REMOVING the old version, please. README file ----------- Contents: 1. Introduction 2. File Details 3. Installation 4. Running the Program INTRODUCTION ------------ Welcome to MenuS5, applications and documents launcher for the EPOC Series of handheld computers. MenuS5 contains a lot of other utilities. FILE DETAILS ------------ The archive file should contain the following files: (MenuS5.sis include the following OPX file) SHPro.sis OPX file AppInfo.sis OPX file Sysram1.sis OPX file Systinfo.sis OPX file Alarm.sis OPX file MenuS5.sis The program Readme.txt English Instructions lisezmoi.txt French Instructions liesmich.txt German Instructions leggimi.txt Italian Instructions Once installed. you will see the program consists of the following essential files: \System\Apps\Menus5\ \System\Apps\Menus5\Menus5.mbm \System\Apps\Menus5\Menus5.aif \System\Apps\Menus5\Menus5.hlp \System\Apps\Menus5\Menusw.opo \System\Apps\Menus5\Menus5.rsc \System\Apps\Menus5\Morp.opo \System\Apps\Menus5\empty The five OPX files will be installed in the \System\Opx folder INSTALLATION ------------ The program can be installed in english or in french. To install the program simply double-click on the Menus5.sis file or select the "Install New Program" option in PsiWin (EPOC Install). If you have PsiWin/EPOC Install v2.1 or above, then everything will happen automatically. If you have an earlier version, you will need to get the installation file SETUP.EXE, which can be downloaded from the Psion Home Page ( To install directly on a EPOC Machine, tap the .sis file to install, if this does not work then you do not have the Add/Remove utility, in this case download INSTEXE.EXE from the Psion Home Page ( and copy it to your machine and try again. RUNNING THE PROGRAM ------------------- Start the program by selecting 'Extras' from the Application bar and then selecting Menus5.