Welcome to MultiContacts 2.10

MultiContacts is a workaround solution for EPOC 5 devices doomed to have only one Contact List.

The program allows you to create as many Contact Lists as you need, maintain separate settings per Contact List, define the location for Contact Lists and create Shortcuts for faster access.

You can think of MultiContacts as a program that enables EPOC 5 Contacts application to have Categories.


This program was tested on Psion Revo, Revo+, Series 5mx, Series 7, netBook and Diamond Mako.

MultiContacts will not run on Psion Series5, since its EPOC release does not have Contacts application (Epoc prior to 5).


If Sysram1.Opx is missing, please install it from the Sysram1.SIS file included in the package.

Quick Start

Running MultiContacts

There are 4 ways to start MultiContacts:

If you place MultiContacts Icon directly above the Contacts Icon of your EPOC device, you will be able to launch MultiContacts by holding CTRL and tapping on the Contacts Icon.


MultiContacts 2.10 offers 3 ways to access its functions:

Each function has at least one way of access.

Open List

Opens Contact List.

  1. Navigate to the disk and folder, where the Contacts Lists are stored,
  2. Select a Contact List,
  3. Chose Open button
  4. Contact Application is started with the selected Contact List.


Menu: File - Open List

Hot Key: Ctrl+O

Toolbar: Open

Create List

Creates Contact List and Shortcut to it.

  1. Type in the Contact List Description,
  2. Type in the Contact List filename,
  3. Select the Disk and Folder where Contact List and Shortcut are to be created.
  4. Chose Create button.
  5. Contact List and Shortcut to it are created.


Menu: File - Create List

Hot Key: Ctrl+C

Open Shortcut

Opens Contact List via Shortcut.

  1. Navigate to the disk and folder, where the Shortcut is stored,
  2. Select a Shortcut,
  3. Chose Open button
  4. Contact Application is started with the Contact List associated with Shortcut.


Menu: File - Open Shortcut

Hot Key: Ctrl+P

Create Shortcut

Creates Shortcut to an existing Contact List.

  1. Type in the Shortcut filename,
  2. Type in the Contact List Description,
  3. Select the Disk, Folder and a Contact List for the Shortcut to be created.
  4. Chose Create Shortcut button.
  5. Shortcut to the selected Contact List is created in the same folder of the Contact List.


Menu: File - Create Shortcut

Hot Key: Ctrl+R


Hides the MultiContacts application

by putting it in the background.

Please note that although hidden MultiContacts is still running in the background.


Menu: File - Hide

Hot Key: Esc


Exits MultiContacts.


Menu: File - Exit

Hot Key: Ctrl+E


A list of up to 4 recently opened Contact Lists.

If you want to open a Contact List, which was used recently, just select it from the index of recent files and MultiContacts will start Contacts Application with that Contact List.

If you need to reset the Recent List, choose Recent - Clear option

Recent Menu option is only available if at least one Contact List was opened since the first run or last Clear.


Menu: Recent - <contact list>

Toolbar: Recent

Program Preferences

Sets Program Execution preferences:

Highlight Open File

Use Contacts .INI files

Swap Dialog Buttons

Always Use SafeCopy

Open Contact List upon Creation


Menu: Preferences - Program

Hot Key: CTRL+A

Storage Preferences

Sets Storage preferences:

Default Contact Lists Folder/Disk

Disk for contacts store


Menu: Preferences - Storage

Hot Key: CTRL+S

Miscellaneous Preferences

Text for topic

Sets Miscellaneous preferences:

Allow Contacts Icon to be disabled

Keep List of Recently Opened Files

Open Contact List with…

Open via Contacts for CDB files


Menu: Preferences - Miscellaneous

Hot Key: CTRL+M

Save Preferences

Saves Preferences.

Preferences are saved automatically if changed when you exit MultiContacts


Menu: Preferences - Save Preferences

Hot Key: CTRL+V


Plug-Ins allow end-users to add functionality to MultiContacts.

Plug-Ins are OPL programs that interact with MultiContacts in a specific way and extend MultiContacts functionality.

Up to 10 Plug-Ins can be actively used.

There are two types of Plug-Ins:

MultiContacts 2.10 is shipped with 2 free plug-ins:
- Launch Smart Find
for those who use Smart Find Program
- Shutdown Phone & Email
for those who use Phone and/or Email application, it is safer to shut those down before opening a Contact List.

Plug-In example source code and SDK is available upon request.

Plug-In Run

Starts selected Plug-In from the Cascaded menu.


Menu: Plug-Ins - Run - <plug-in name>

Toolbar: Plug-In

Plug-In Re-Scan

Re-Scans MultiContacts system folder searching for new or deleted Plug-Ins.

This commands updates the list of Plug-Ins.

Plug-Ins are re-scanned every time you start MultiContacts in Full Mode.


Menu: Plug-Ins - Re-Scan

Hot Key: CTRL+I


Calls up this Help file.

If you are reading this, I guess you have figured it out by now :)


Menu: Help - Help

Hot Key: CTRL+H


This menu item allows you to enter MultiContacts Registration Key.

MultiContacts Registration Key is 56 characters long and better entered by Copying and Pasting from the registration email using the CopyAnywhere program from the PsiWin application.

Registration option is only available for the evaluation version of MultiContacts.

Single-User licence of MultiContacts cost $15 or an equivalent in your national currency at the day of purchase.

To register MultiContacts please visit:


You can choose several ways to register:

1. Via PayPal


Please send your payment to sales@multicontacts.net

2. Via Registration Network


Reg.Net program id for MultiContacts is 9075.

Alternatively you can logon to


3. Via Check (US Banks only)

Please send an email to sales@multicontacts.net or support@multicontacts.net stating that you would like to pay by check.

I will send the address where to mail the check to.

I will need to wait till the check clears.


Menu: Help - Register

Hot Key: CTRL+G


Shows basic information about MultiContacts application.

MultiContacts 2.10

Build 020115en

Multiple Contacts Database Manager for EPOC 5.

© Anatoli Arkhipenko 2000, 2001, 2002

web: http://www.multicontacts.net

email: support@multicontacts.net

Creating Localized Contact List Template

If you use English version of MultiContacts and a localized (national) version of Contacts Application, please create a Localized Contact List Template using the "Create Localized Template" plugin.

The plugin is available for download at:

Migrating Contacts from Palm

MultiContacts provides former Palm users with the ability to have Categories on their EPOC device.

Below I suggest a way to migrate your Contact Lists from Palm to EPOC:

Integration with iContacts

iContacts is a powerful Contact List Manager for EPOC platform. It is available for download from http://www.xetta.com

If you would like to use iContacts instead of Standard EPOC Contacts application with MultiContacts, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  1. Let MultiContacts know that you are using iContacts
    Navigate to Menu Preferences Miscellaneous and choose "iContacts" for item "Open Contact Lists with".
  2. Your iContacts data files
    will always be stored together with MultiContacts Contact List. They are named after the Contact List with extension ".ic". In most of the cases you do not even need to know that those files exist.
  3. Import your existing Contact Lists into iContacts
    After you start iContacts with your Contact List for the first time, choose Tools Update & Repair. Check Scan and import new iContacts checkbox and select OK. This procedure creates iContacts information for your existing Contact List.

Why use iContacts with MultiContacts?

These two programs perfectly compliment each other. While iContacts in essence is a much more powerful Contacts Application, it does not support multiple physical Contact Lists, and thus the following few options:

  1. Separate Synchronization
    iContacts uses EPOC's standard Contact List. If you need to synchronize with several PCs (e.g. one at home, one at work, on one the client site, etc), you need to have separate Contact Lists, and thus need to use MultiContacts.
  2. Private Contact Lists
    By using Crypto application, you can create encrypted private Contact Lists.
  3. Separate Archiving
    If you need to archive old Contact List (e.g. after a project is finished), MultiContacts has your Contact List ready for archiving.

Working with Crypto

If you want to have truly "private" Contact Lists, download and install Crypto application (http://salvis.com/)

Follow the steps below to create a private Contact List:

Make sure you selected the Contact List file (extension Cdb, and not the Shortcut file with no extension).

Your Private Contact List is successfully created.

Private Contact Lists are only accessible via system screen and Crypto application. You can not use MultiContacts main screen or Shortcut.
Review the "Miscellaneous" program options of MultiContacts. If you use iContacts and would like to have truly private Contact List, check "Open via Contacts for CDB files" option. This will ensure no information is stored outside of your Private Contact List.

Synchronizing with Outlook

One of the reasons behind MultiContacts is the ability to synchronize with Outlook using different Contact Lists.

In order to successfully synchronize Contact Lists, it is recommended to follow several rules:

It is recommended to backup your Psion Device, create a couple of Outlook profiles and experiment to establish Synchronization Procedure that satisfies your needs.
Please note, I can not be held responsible for any errors and/or data losses resulting from the use of Psion Synchronization procedure.

Email, Phone and MultiContacts

If you work with Email and/or Phone applications:

To prevent deadlocks:

To resolve a deadlock:


Below is the list of possible problems and suggested solutions for MultiContacts 2.10

1. Deadlock

Due to the fact, that MultiContacts is a work-around solution, it is possible that you will experience "deadlocks" while working with such applications as Email or Phone.

In case of deadlock, MultiContacts displays the following warning message:

file is in use by another application.
Close offending Application and Retry

In this case do the following:

2. MultiContacts does not respond

It is very unlikely, but ultimately possible, that MultiContacts Application stops responding or hangs.

In this case you can choose two solutions: Manual Shutdown or Emergency Recovery.

Manual Shutdown:

Emergency Recovery:

3. Other Problems

Send email to support@multicontacts.net

Please include as much information as possible, including:


Additional Information

For additional information, please refer to MultiContacts.ReadMe file. It covers such important topics as: