=============================== nConvert & Plugin release notes =============================== Version 1.01 ============ RTFCnv - Fixes * Improved default codepage support * Handling for the new paragraph control symbol * Improved parsing speed, by up to 20% * Tab stops/alignment parsing WordCnv - Fixes * Outputs tab stops/alignments * Option to convert embedded objects in HTML output as either JPEG or GIF TextCnv - Fixes * Improved Unicode file handling * Is not the default System text handler anymore (only for Unicode files) XLSCnv - Fixes * Fixed number format handling in Excel 95 and 97 files * Percentages in formulae converted properly * Improved cell width conversion * Default alignment fixed to left. This improves text flow on some sheets * Doesn't write empty sheets anymore nCnvMIMEUI - New feature * Control panel application to allow you to set whether nConvert opens GIF, JPEG and HTML documents from System screen (quick-view) General program - Fixes * Fixes some problems people were experiencing when upgrading Version 1.00 ============ RTFCnv - Fixes * Fixed to support improved import of numbered bullets and bullets in general * Added character style support * Increased compatibly with somewhat invalid RTF documents. * Increased parsing speed by around 40-80% WordCnv - Fixes * Fixed -> HTML & RTF, specifically line spacing (both) and bullets (RTF). * Slightly changed subscript and superscript generation in EPOC Word -> HTML so that it uses the "Normal" cascading style sheet class. * New - much improved EPOC Word to plain text output by using wrapping, pseudo headers and bullets * Support for more HTML entities ImageCnv - Fixes * Improved memory usage * Other minor fixes * New - Palette reduction with two algorithms (Halftoning/Error diffusion) * Flip/Rotate support * New - TIFF (up to version 6.0) file format support, both reading and writing nCnvAPI - Fixes * Improved compatibility with Psion's ER3 service pack * Other technical changes. API now frozen at v1.00 JotterCnv - New features * Ability to select range of entries to convert to EPOC Word/RTF/HTML CSVCnv - New * New flexible CSV text parser that converts to EPOC Sheet HTMLCnv- New * New converter for use on ER5 machines where Symbian Web 2.00 is installed. Convert HTML files to EPOC Word documents MDBCnv - Fixes * Compatibility fixes for improved import into Data documents SheetCnv - Fixes * Formulae that use TODAY, CHOOSE or SUMPRODUCT should now open properly in Microsoft Excel * Other minor problem fixes XLSCnv - Additions and fixes * Full support for converting Microsoft Excel 95 and 97/2000 documents. * Improved compatibility TextCnv - New * New plugin to convert plain text into either EPOC Word, Program or plain text. Search and replace functionally can be performed on input text using extended regular expressions. Also has the ability to use a wide range of encodings and character sets including Unicode. Recogniser - New * New feature that allows you to quickly open external documents format using a native EPOC application. For example you could click a RTF file from System screen, or EPOC Messaging and then see it in EPOC Word. UI - Additions and fixes * More flexible conversion options * Revo compatibility * Series 7 compatibility * File browser improvements including jump to key * Browser bookmarks * Word, Excel, PowerPoint document summary information * Easy multiple file conversion * Much improved start time on newer devices. * Minor fixes Version 0.05 ============ WORDCnv - Fixes * Style problem. Documents without styles now convert okay. This also fixes a lot of JotterCnv CBase-21 panics. * There was a spurious underscore in one section of a converted document which was mailed to me. This is also fixed. * Bullets in the last paragraph in Word -> HTML could cause problems. This has been fixed. I think this was DEBUG only though. XLSCnv - New * Completely new component that reads MS Excel 4.0 XLS files and converts them to EPOC Sheet. * Includes full formatting conversion * Includes formulae conversion nZip - New nZipWrapper - New nCompressEng - New * Three new components to handle PKZIP file creation and modification, supporting all functionality available in PKZIP archives except encryption which will probably be added at a later date unless I receive lots of requests for it urgently (but it doesn't actually make your data that secure). * nZipWrapper is the interface to nZip. nZip is optional, if it isn't installed (via SIS mechanism) then zipping will not be available in the UI. MDBCnv - New * New plugin to read MS Access 97 database files (2000 coming soon) and save them as customisable CSV, each table in a separate file, future versions will convert directly to DATA application files Graphics - New formats * An optional plugin now allows you to read and write XBM, TGA, LBM bitmaps UI - New features * Lots of UI related changes 1) New views, browser and recent. Both are ER3 and ER5 compatible, although recent mode was really designed for ER5, but recent files are written by nConvert on ER3 too (although nothing other than nConvert will add to the recent files list). 2) Preferences added 3) Embedded conversion dialog into a main view. 4) Integrated zip and one touch email support (ER5 only at the moment, ER3 to come) to this new conversion mode. SheetCnv - Fixes and Additions * XLS - Added alignment conversion (vertical & horizontal + the wrap cell text option) * XLS - Row heights are encoded * XLS - Colours for fonts are supported * XLS - Basic shading, black is converted into blue and any other colour except white into grey * XLS - Just about all appearance types * XLS - Formulae are now converted rather than just their results Version 0.04 ============ Release notes ------------- UI - Addition * Added help file * Added 'Converter browser' * Added support for each converter to supply a help file which is launched via the converter browser. SheetCnv - New * Implemented sheet to text. * Implemented Sheet to HTML. * Added Sheet to XLS converter with some formatting WordCnv - Fixes * Fixed a bug in the Word->HTML Cnv. Strike through attrib was never being written, or at least if it was, it was only being written when underline was also a property of the current text. * Fixed a problem in the Word->RTF Cnv. Attribs such as bold, italic, underline, and strike-through were all being enabled in the stylesheet when in fact they didn't need to be. (See 03Moralmodal for fixed document - convert this to RTF and back again and it now gets the styles correct) * Added DOCTYPE line to HTML output * EPOC Word Headings, e.g. 'Heading 1' now map directly onto their HTML heading counterparts. Note that only 6 headings are supported by HTML though. * Fixed a bug in WordCnv (RTF) where line spacing before and after were set to be the same. * Improved RTF writing so that all inherited styles are written out in style sheet. For some reason, if you don't do this, then MS Word doesn't get the formatting correct. * <, >, & and " are now written using their proper html tag representations. * Added conditional check to Word->RTF that the JPEG cnv was available before displaying the prefs dialog. This was already working in Word->HTML but I forgot to do it for Word->RTF * Now uses HTML list operations to provide a more realistic bullet representation * EPOC Word password protected files can now be read without causing a panic. The password is prompted for just like Word. * Added option to convert embedded Sheet's to HTML tables in the HTML cnv. * Changed META tag position * Changed bullets so that

is no longer written for a bulleted para * Changed headings so that

is no longer written * Fonts in CSS now have a classification, such as serif, sans serif, monospace * Meta tags are now in section * Units for all various margins and borders are now explicitly written as being in pixels as * Embedded document filenames are now .jpeg not .JPEG * In CSS a few things caused double semi colons to appear. * In CSS, font-style: bold is now written as font-style: bold * and is used in preference to and now. RTFCnv - Fixes * Font lookup * Embedded binary JPEG files in RTF's now convert back to EPOC Sketch files. * Lots of enhancements relating to tables * Fixed a bug in RTFCnv (agenda_jul2000.rtf) that stopped it from parsing the image properly in this file. Basically, there was an embedded group within the picture group and the parser hadn't been written to handle this. The parser now correctly skips the embedded PNG in this file. * Added support for field parsing * Minor fix to support cancellation nGraphics - Fixes * Added sketch read/write support * Fixed the PCX reading problems (car PCX file) ImageCnv - Fixes * If you're converting from a PCX which doesn't result in a target file colour depth change, then the file won't actually be saved. * In ImageCnv, 8bpp grey was being represented as 4bpp grey. This has been fixed. nRTUtils - New * Component to handle parsing and conversion of EPOC EText. Version 0.03 ============ nCnvAPI * Added asynchronous loading for all plugins UI: * Fixed a problem with the cnv dialog - pressing enter during conversion use to cause a CBase 46 panic * Conversions can now be cancelled. RTF Cnv: * Fixed two problems with RTF Cnv reproduced with peter rand's documents. 1) first problem was due to unspecified default style (no \s0 at the start of the style sheet). The RTF Cnv now guesses this... 2) second problem was due to the new picture parser. This was getting stuck in an endless loop when non-binary picture data was present in the RTF * Maybe fixed some RTF cnv marm problems to do with HBufC::Des() and RFile read. * Fixed a problem in paris-texas.rtf (includes spaces in the RTF Font table) HTML Cnv: * Minor change to the implementation of the HTML converter. The temp jpegs produced now have the same name as the destination filename rather than all being called 'EmbeddedObject' or whatever it was... Image Cnv: * Fixed some problems with the blue and red channels being around the wrong way in JPEG cnv * Added uids for all graphics cnvs, so that the api can find a particular graphics cnv by the specified uid. Program Cnv: * Fixed some problems with the Program file converter (memory leak and non recognition of some opl files) New: * Added HTML bookmarks to EPOC bookmarks plugin * Added Image converter plugin (from to MBM/GIF/BMP/PCX/JPEG) Sketch and TIFF support will be added in a later version (maybe). Version 0.02 ============ * Added JotterCnv * Added nLibC, lightweight C library * Added nGraphics * Added support for embedded glass door conversion to JPEG in RTF/HTML converter * Added JPEG / GIF reading writing nFX plugins Version 0.01 ============ * First public release.