WELCOME to NIGHTCLOCK v1.01 ------------------ NightClock is a small program, designed for people that use their Epoc device as an alarm clock during the night, and simply want an easy way to turn on the machine and instantly have a "backlighted" glance at the time, through a big analog or digital clock. WHAT'S NEW ------------------ v 1.01 * fixed a bug when restoring default settings (screen wasn't refreshed) * adapted the code to use external resource files for each language * if width and height of the selected wallpaper file are smaller than 1/3 of the screen dimensions, it will be automatically tiled to fill the screen INSTALLING NIGHTCLOCK ------------------ 1. Unzip NightClock.zip and put NightClock.sis to any folder of your Epoc device or your PC. 2. To install the program simply open the NightClock.sis file. 3. The automated procedure will ask you to select the language and disk to install the program files. 4. NightClock should now appear in your "Extras bar". 5. Also included in NightClock.zip is a wallpaper.mbm file to be used as a sample (it's my bike...) for the wallpaper option of the program (copy it to your machine and see the Help for more details on how to set it). UNINSTALLING NIGHTCLOCK ------------------ If you need to uninstall NightClock, use the Add/remove option from Control Panel. KNOWN ISSUES (PLEASE READ...) ------------------ 1. The machine Password and Owner Information screen must be switched off for NightClock to work (open the Control Panel of your Epoc device, choose Password and select for "Display owner information"). 2. If an Alarm has been set and falls into the "Night Period", you won't miss it: it will override the NightClock start-up display (note that if you select the Turn Off machine function, the alarm will start to sound, then the machine will be turned off by NightClock, and then again the alarm will come back in a few seconds...). 3. Remember that each time an Alarm overrides NightClock, you have to call it to foreground and then send it to background again, otherwise it won't work at the following switching on. 4. Users of CronTab by Pascal Nicolas (or of any other program that performs some tasks at each switch on) try to do some test to prevent any conflict with NightClock: as a general rule do not select the option of turning off the machine when hiding (as this can stop the tasks performed by the other programs). LEGAL STUFF ------------------ This program is © Sergio Alisi 1999-2000. You may use and copy this program freely, on condition that no charge of any kind is made for copies. In using NightClock you agree to indemnify the author against any liability. NightClock is freeware and is provided with no express or implied warranties as to fitness your purpose. You agree to use this program at your own risk. CONTACTS ------------------ Please send any comments or bug reports to: sergioalisi@geocities.com Keep an eye on my web site for any news: http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/bridge/1492 THANKS AND ENJOY