psiON v1.1 ~~~~~~~~~~ Performs groovy events when your Psion is turned on. Can be set to show an image (EPOC picture) for a set time, with full backlight control. This is very useful if you can't be bothered to fumble around in the middle of the night for the Fn+Space keys! It also looks cool if you have a high quality image to pop-up when you open your Psion's lid! Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ EPOC32 device with around 100 to 200Kbs of free memory (when running) PsiWin 2.1 (or higher) to run the EPOC install file (.SIS) Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have PsiWin 2.1 or higher, just run the SIS file (psiON.sis), and it does all the hard stuff for you ;) Credits/Contacts/Licence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Completely programmed by Chris Harrison (c) 1999 - - Alpha Testing: Chris Harrison, Alex Wilding Beta Testing: Chris Harrison, Alex Wilding, Oliver Harrison... This software is provided as freeware. It may be freely distributed (in it's original form) in any electronic/magnetic format (email, disk, FTP, etc.). It may not be decompiled or reverse engineered. It may not be sold for profit for yourself/including in a compilation package without prior arrangement with me, the author.