Restart for EPOC/32 Released as Freeware Copyright © Medialinx Internet Solutions Written by Graham Crichton. All rights reserved. What is Restart? ================ Restart is a small EPOC/32 utility program that you can use to quickly exit all open applications and restart your computer. The program places an icon in the "Extras" bar on your Psion so you can access it from what ever program you are in. ANY OPEN FILES WILL BE CLOSED AND CHANGES WILL NOT BE SAVED SO MAKE SURE YOU SAVE YOUR WORK. Installation ============ Create a directory (RESTART) in your System/Apps folder. Copy all of the files in RESTART.ZIP (except SysRam1.opx) in to this folder. Copy SysRam1.opx to the System/OPX folder. You can run the program from the Extras bar. Info ==== Restart is freeware. Graham Crichton accepts no responsibility at all for any loss or damage no matter how caused resulting from the installation and/or use of Restart. Restart can be redistributed at shareware libraries and at FTP sites, on Bulletin Board Systems or on shareware CD-ROMs provided that the following files are distributed and are included unaltered: README.TXT RESTART.APP RESTART.AIF and/or RESTART.ZIP EXCLAIM.MBM SYSRAM1.OPX Thank you for your support Graham Crichton Email: Web: Support: (040) 33 88 901 ** THIS PRODUCT IS UNSUPPORTED **