2.10beta2 released 5/1/99 • Font and styles are now changed by name. e.g. set font Courier18 bold The size of the current font can be changed with +number and -number. The style and font name can be changed independently and the style cleared using a style of "normal". • The "banner" command has been updated to use named fonts and styles as detailed above. • Added execution of commands within command lines. e.g. set date=‘date‘ The "‘" is character 145. This incorporates just the FIRSTLINE of output from the command and the command MUST use fprint%: rather than PRINT - the implementation mechanism uses a variant of output redirection. • With macros the "@" construct has been altered to use the execution method given above - ie. the first line of command output will form part of the current command line. For added flexibility two new targets - :null and :screen have been added that redirect output (and errors) to the screen or simply discard it. • Enhanced sample autoexec.bat file demonstrating setting macros and toolbar operations. • Displaying/removing the toolbar is now handled by "set -o toolbar" rather than "set toolbar on/off/toggle". Use "set ~o toolbar" to toggle the state. • Various minor fixes 2.10beta1 released 28/6/98 • Reimplemented pipes as binary, rather than text streams (thanks to Ian Morgan for providing code for this). There is a new function, fread%: to read this binary stream. • fprint%: has been modified so that it DOESN'T append the end of line sequence; this enables it to work correctly with binary files and to build a single line on the screen with multiple fprint%: commands. A global string _CRLR$ has been setup so to get the correct behaviour just add "+_CRLF$" to the fprint%: commands (see the source for examples). • The "more" command has been rewritten. It now can be used to view binary as well as text files and has scrollback. See the help entry for details. • New shell options: nobeep - silences all Shell5 warning beeps debug - prints ERRX$ when an EPOC error is detected. sort - sort "ls" and filename expansion output alphabetically. This isn't currently the default as there is a small performance penalty, particularly on large directories. • Implemented an error stream that can be redirected to a file (currently this works similarly to the UN*X csh model, where the error stream can be added to the output stream but NOT redirected separately). • Recoding existing commands to use enhanced pipes and error stream. Many commands including echo, od, putclip and wc have been extensively revised. • Two new variables for the prompt. %T for time in 24-hour format and %t for the time in am/pm format. • The two external commands, button and subst are now part of the standard distribution. 2.01 released 18/4/98 • Fixed a bug in sysinfo that incorrectly returned the ROM version as 1.1, rather than 1.01. • Made the dEDITMULTI edit dialog scale according to the screen size. This gives Geofox users more vertical editing space. 2.0 released 18/3/98 • Allow PgUp, PgDn, End, Start, Menu and Dial to be redefined via bindkey, and also take the "Shift-" modifier. The documentation implied this was already possible. • Allow .APP applications to take directories as arguments. Previously this returned an (incorrect) "out of range" error. 2.0beta3 released 11/3/98 • Search within command history implemented. Keys are set to the find-next and find-prev bindings via bindkey (these are set to ctrl-n and ctrl-p by the default autoexec.bat). • No longer an 8 character limit on labels in batch files. • Various bug fixes including a memory leak in _if% that could cause a program crash when processing batch files. • Code cleaned up in preparation for the release version. 2.0beta2 released 2/3/98 • .APP files can now be run directly from the command line, "runapp" is no longer needed and has been removed from the distribution. Thanks to Pascal Nicolas and Richard Panton for their input on this. • Improved "if" command. Now the "== " is optional. If it's not included the statements following are executed if is NOT empty or 0. • Improved "edit" command. The cursor position is set to the top of the file and the text is no longer selected. The method is that used by Roger Muggleton in his editors based on dEDITMULTI (http://www.cix.co.uk/~hzk/). • Fixed a silly bug in help%: causing case sensitivity in filenames. This meant the program may have tried to open help files multiple times (rather than switching to the already open help file). • Fixed bug in od%: and more%: where pathnames were not put through PrPath$: when the status bar at the bottom of the screen was displayed. 2.0beta1 released 26/2/98