Shell5 V2.10 beta 2 =================== Copyright (c) Nick Murray 1999 Introduction ------------ Shell5 is a command line shell for the Psion Series 5 which allows basic file operations such as copy, delete, rename, etc, as well as more sophisticated operations. Highlights: User-defined keys/macros Filename completion via the Tab key "Time" command for measuring the execution time for commands A 'pipe' like feature allowing the output of one command to form the input of another Command history accessed with the cursor keys Multiple commands per line, separation by ';' Support for external, user written, commands Access to ROM (Z:) filesystems Relative pathnames (. ..) Wildcards on filenames (e.g. cp *.bat a:\bat) Command aliasing Redirection of command input and output (e.g. ls > ls.out) Shell variables, allowing extensive configuration Support for batch files including parameter passing and the additional commands IF, GOTO and SHIFT Ability to run .OPO and .APP files (inc. parameters) Pop-up error log window Inline arithmetic evaluation, e.g. echo 1+1 is ${1+1} Sophisticated 'path' mechanism Extensive help Full source code available Distributed under the GNU General Public License Commands: alias, at, banner, bg, bindkey, cat, cd, chmod, cls, cp, date, (Builtin) df, dirs, echo, edit, exit, goto, hash, help, history, if, log, ls, mkdir, more, mv, od, pause, popd, pushd, pwd, rename, rescan, rm, rmdir, set, shift, sysinfo, time, unalias, unset, ver, which Supplied as external modules: backlight, button, charset, compact, contrast, du, getclip, play, putclip, subst, wc More detailed information is contained within the program's help system and visit the WWW site at: Installation ------------ Unzip the file Copy the Shell5 directory to \System\Apps on c: or d: - this includes the application, .aif file,the default autoexec.bat, the help files in the "help" subdirectory and supplied external commands (.OPO) in the "bin" subdirectory. If you haven't already installed Psion's sysram1.opx (many applications use this) copy the file Sysram1.opx to the directory \System\Opx, creating the directory if necessary. Customising the installation ---------------------------- On startup, the program queries its pathname and looks for a file "autoexec.bat" (which should only contain Shell5 commands) in the same directory which it then executes. The shell variable $_syspath is also set to this directory. The path variable (the list of directories the shell searches to find external commands) defaults to $_syspath\bin, and the helppath variable (the list of directories the shell searches to find help files) defaults to $_syspath\help. Both of these variables can be reset in autoexec.bat. Files included -------------- Shell5\autoexec.bat Shell5\shell5.aif Shell5\ Shell5\help\external.hlp Shell5\help\shell5.hlp Shell5\bin\backlight.opo Shell5\bin\button.opo Shell5\bin\charset.opo Shell5\bin\contrast.opo Shell5\bin\compact.opo Shell5\bin\du.opo Shell5\bin\getclip.opo Shell5\bin\putclip.opo Shell5\bin\play.opo Shell5\bin\subst.opo Shell5\bin\wc.opo Extras\autoexec.bat - Enhanced sample autoexec.bat Extras\buttons.mbm - Used by the above batch file Readme.txt - this file Program.txt - a description of how to write external commands Copying.txt - GNU General Public Licence Changes.txt - recent changes to the program Sysram1.opx - Additional System functions .OPX (written by Psion) Source is always available (in both OPL and text formats) at the WWW site listed below. If you have difficulties obtaining the files from that site, email me at the address below and I'll email you the source. Notes about subst ----------------- In order to use or compile the subst command, you must install subst.opx. This is available directly from RMR Software Ltd.'s WWW site: External Commands ----------------- If you write any useful external commands that you'd like to make available to other users, either send me the source or drop me a note of where it's available, and I'll include this information in the next release. Bugs, suggestions, etc. ----------------------- I can be reached via email at and visit the WWW page: Distribution and Warranty ------------------------- This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see the file Copying.txt, Sections 11 and 12. This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it under certain conditions; again, for details see the file Copying.txt.