Medialinx Startup Wizard Version 2.00 for Shortcut Wizard v1.31 or higher Please download, install and read the user documentation for Shortcut Wizard before you proceed. You can find this at: Overview ======== Startup Wizard is an add on for use with Medialinx Shortcut Wizard that allows your Psion Series 5 to launch Shortcut files on startup. You can use Shortcut Wizard to create shortcut files to various programs and using the Shortcut Wizard run them on startup. In the same way you can on a PC. For example. On my Psion I have placed a shortcut to a program called FreeMem (By Pascal NICOLAS) in the Startup Items folder. Now FreeMem will run every time I turn my Psion on. I will soon be releasing some modules for Startup Wizard, to show a picture, play a sound etc. when you startup. Installation ============ To install Startup Wizard you must have installed Medialinx Shortcut Wizard v1.31 or later. You can find this at Please follow these simple installation instructions: 1. Create a directory C:\System\Apps\Startup\ on your palmtop. 2. Copy, Startup.aif and Wand.mbm to this directory. Execution ========= Startup Wizard can be executed from the Extras bar. When you run Startup Wizard for the first time a directory called "Startup Items" will be created in your System folder. All shortcuts to items you want to run on startup should be placed in this folder. NO OTHER FILES SHOULD BE PLACED HERE. If you want your Startup Items to run on startup, you must have Startup Wizard running at all times. To do this simply click on "Startup" from the Extras bar. The program will run happily in the background. You can create and remove items from the Startup Items folder while Startup Wizard is running. Distribution, disclaimer etc. ============================= This version of Shortcut Wizard is a beta release. Use it at your own risk. This program is freeware please distribute it freely as you wish. The following files must always be included when redistributing Startup Wizard: STARTUP.APP STARTUP.AIF Or STARTUP.ZIP README.TXT WAND.MBM Shortcut Wizard is not free software. If you use it often then you must register it. Registration costs only £5.00. Such a small price to pay for such a great little program. Startup Wizard is freeware. Graham Crichton accepts no responsibility at all for any loss or damage no matter how caused resulting from the installation and/or use of Startup Wizard. Copyright ========= Written by Graham Crichton. All rights reserved. Copyright © Medialinx Internet Solutions. Freeware. Use this software at your own risk. Medialinx Internet Solutions 4 Hanwood Farm, Dundonald, Belfast. BT16 OYA. Northern Ireland. Phone: (040) 33 88 901 Email: Web: Thank you for using Startup Wizard, Graham Crichton.