JS Solutions WinEPOC 2.6 (English) ---------------------------------- (shareware) WinEPOC is a powerful Windows-like desktop for your Epoc32 based pocket computer. It provides you with an intuitive environment and a number of functions, which make using of your PDA much more easier and comfortable. Current version of WinEPOC supports full range of Epoc Release 3 - Release 5 equipped computers including Psion Revo and netBook. What's new in version 2.6 ------------------------- - more useful settings - faster - links to folders also on desktop - 3 icons for notes on desktop added - possibility to display links in menus using bold font - possibility of inverse highlighting of selected items for better visibility and legibility on grey-scale displays - automatic backlight switch-on after time possibility - possibility to place Switch off function in the Start menu - improved sorting in menus - better management of images for faster back-up and less disk space requirements - other changes and improvements - known bugs fixed What's new in version 2.5 ------------------------- - essentially faster - links to whole folders - improved and more purposeful graphics - more sophisticated task-switching (also jumping by first letters is allowed now) - possibility to change targets of links to documents which were moved to another destination - highlighting of opened documents and running applications in menus - added support of MobiPocket Reader (when creating links to web pages), PhoneMan (when creating new SMS messages via WinEPOC) and iContacts (creating new contacts via WinEPOC) - support of drive E on netBook and improved disk information dialog - special icon for IrDA communication on InfoBar instead of the same as for serial port - switching between WinEPOC and System using "silk" System icon - added few fast shortcuts (1 - sound on/off, 2 - remote link on/off, 3 - battery info, 4 - disk info) - better navigation between multiple desktops - possibility to permanently display name of desktop in the top-right corner - possibility to display captions of links on desktop using bold font - better handling of EXE files - known bugs fixed - other "invisible" improvements Installation ------------ There are five SIS files included in the installation zip archive. Please run these SIS files step by step and follow the instructions to correctly install WinEPOC. It is strongly recommended to install WinEPOC onto drive C. Otherwise - if you are installing onto Compact Flash - WinEPOC will run slower and also the battery consumption will be greater. Starting WinEPOC ---------------- You can run WinEPOC in the same way as other applications. Once WinEPOC 2.0 is installed, there will appear its icon in the Extras bar. Simply click this icon. How to register --------------- WinEPOC is distributed as shareware, i.e. you can download and test the software, but if you decide to continue using it, you must register. You do not need to download some special version after registering, you will only input the registration code into WinEPOC, which will unlock it and enable all WinEPOC's functions. There are some limitations in the unregistered version of WinEPOC, which will disappear when you register it. If you register once, you will obtain the right to get free registration codes for new versions of WinEPOC for two years starting on the day of registering. You will also support my effort to develop future versions of WinEPOC :-) Registration methods There are three ways how you can realize the payment for WinEPOC. 1) Secure on-line credit card transaction via RegNet The easiest way how to register is to register on-line. This method is very safe and also the fastest from all methods avaialable. This will cost you 20 USD + additional 5 USD as a handling charge for RegNet. Visit www.reg.net and search for product with ID 9010 or go directly to https://secure.reg.net/product.asp?ID=9010. 2) Sending cheque If you can't register on-line, you can send me a cheque (check) for 20 USD or 20 EUR. No eurocheques please! Send it to my address as follows: Jakub Smolik Jablonova 314 570 01 Litomysl Czech Republic Please do not forget to include your name and email address together with the cheque! 3) Sending money The last method is sending the "real" money (banknotes) to my address as above. The price of licence is 20 USD / 20 EUR. Please send it in good wrapped letter including your name and email address. Please note, that I can't take NO responsibility for the payment when using this method. Send the money only on your own risk! Immediately after I receive your payment, I will send you your unique registration code for WinEPOC. Support ------- WinEPOC was tested on few types of Epoc32 equipped machines without problems. However, if you find some problems, you can use my support page at www.jssolutions.cz or mail me directly at support@jssolutions.cz. (c) 2000-2003 JS Solutions - Jakub Smolik. All rights reserved. www.jssolutions.cz, jssolutions@jssolutions.cz