SYSTEMATIC NAVIGATION: CALCULATED FIX ===================================== Dead Reckoning or Present Position: DR Latitude: 32 45.00 N (32.75) DR Longitude: 15 30.00 W (-15.50) Date and Time: 19/6/1991 20:0:0 Difference to GMT: -1.00 hr No of Observations: 3 Course and Speed: 315 T, 12 kn Pressure and Temp.: 1010 mb, 9.8 C ---------------------------------------------------------------- Individual Sights: Sight Number: 1 out of 3 Result Used: Enabled Observed Body: 1 Sun Date and Time: 19/6/1991 17:15:24 Latitude: 32 16.01 N (32.27) Sight Longitude: 15 6.79 W (-15.11) Time Difference: -2:44:36 Distance: -32.92 nm Greenwich Hour Angle: 93.54 Local Hour Angle: 78.42 Declination Degrees: 23.43 N Semi-diameter: 0.26 Horizontal Parallax: 0.00 Computed Altitude: 21.59 Azimuth: 284.82 T Observations: Sextant Angle: 21.42 Corr. Sextant Angle: 21.57 Intercept: 0.89 nm Direction: Away Azimuth: 284.82 T Corrected Azimuth: 104.82 T Departure Latitude: 0 0.22 S (-0.004) Longitude: 0 0.98 E (0.016) Implied Latitude: 32 15.79 N (32.26) Longitude: 15 5.81 W (-15.10) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sight Number: 2 out of 3 Result Used: Enabled Observed Body: 3 Moon Date and Time: 19/6/1991 19:30:45 Latitude: 32 35.15 N (32.59) Sight Longitude: 15 29.52 W (-15.49) Time Difference: 0:29:15 Distance: -5.85 nm Greenwich Hour Angle: 31.55 Local Hour Angle: 16.05 Declination Degrees: 7.20 S Semi-diameter: 0.26 Horizontal Parallax: 0.95 Computed Altitude: 47.38 Azimuth: 203.90 T Observations: Sextant Angle: 46.55 Corr. Sextant Angle: 47.36 Intercept: 1.04 nm Direction: Away Azimuth: 203.90 T Corrected Azimuth: 23.90 T Departure Latitude: 0 0.91 N (0.015) Longitude: 0 0.48 E (0.008) Implied Latitude: 32 36.06 N (32.60) Longitude: 15 29.04 W (-15.48) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sight Number: 3 out of 3 Result Used: Enabled Observed Body: 2 Star Star No and Name: 49 Vega Date and Time: 19/6/1991 19:42:23 Latitude: 32 36.80 N (32.61) Sight Longitude: 15 31.48 W (-15.52) Time Difference: 0:17:37 Distance: -3.52 nm Greenwich Hour Angle: 299.00 Local Hour Angle: 283.47 Declination Degrees: 38.77 N Semi-diameter: 0.26 Horizontal Parallax: 0.00 Computed Altitude: 29.38 Azimuth: 60.46 T Observations: Sextant Angle: 29.45 Corr. Sextant Angle: 29.35 Intercept: 1.47 nm Direction: Away Azimuth: 60.46 T Corrected Azimuth: 240.46 T Departure Latitude: 0 0.70 S (-0.012) Longitude: 0 1.46 W (-0.024) Implied Latitude: 32 36.10 N (32.60) Longitude: 15 32.94 W (-15.55) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Departure: From DR Latitude: 0 5.71 S (-0.10) DR Longitude: 0 4.44 W (-0.07) Fix Position: Fix Latitude: 32 39.29 N (32.65) Fix Longitude: 15 34.44 W (-15.57) Fix Miles Distance: 6.82 nm Azimuth or Bearing: 214.23 T Latitude Distance: -5.71 nm Longitude Distance: -3.89 nm Calculated Factors: A: 1.1443 B: 0.5521 C: 1.8557 D: -0.0000 E 0.0000 F: 0.0011 GG 1.8187 NoSights-(AA+CC) 0.0000 Standard Deviation: 2.0102 Azimuth Theta: 331.3968 T ---------------------------------------------------------------- Systematic Navigation Version 5.4 17 October 1997 Copyright © Systematic Finance plc 1997 Orchard House, Green Lane, Guildford GU1 2LZ, United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0)1483 532929 Telefax: +44 (0)1483 538358 Email: Web: Printed on 23/10/1997 at 17:21 =================================================================