UK LOTTERY CHECKERPSION SERIES 5 SPREADSHEETVERSION 1.02 First I must thank Stefan Smith & Steve Litchfield for putting the file on the 5 Alive & 3 Lib sites in the first place. Also thanks goes to Steve again for his kind review. 1. Quick start. 2. Introduction.3. Disclaimer.4. Installation.5. Instructions.6. Checking technique.7. Generating more tickets.8. Last note 1. Quick start Turn "Protect worksheet" off at the "Tools" menu. Enter ticket numbers in the boxes provided. Turn "Protect worksheet" back on. At draw time enter the numbers in the top lines and when recalculating is finished page down to check your results. For more tickets copy the whole of the last box underneath itself, leaving one line separating them both. 2. Introduction. After getting a Series 5, I eventually sold my 3c. Up until then I had been using Patrick Bell's excellent Lotto3a. But with 4 syndicate tickets and my own still to check each week, I put together this spreadsheet for the "UK LOTTERY ONLY". I regard the Spreadsheet as the most powerful and probably least used of the appplications on the Psion PDA's. With some imagination they are great problem solvers. Anyway as a spreadsheet, it is obviously Freeware, but if it is being distributed you should only pass it on with all the accompanying files in the zip file as follows.UKLotChk102 - The spreadsheet.ReadMe - Series 5 Word file.Readme.txt - Text file of the above. 3. Disclaimer I must stress that I use this as an aid to checking both losing and winning ticket lines. I will explain this technique in later paragraphs. YOU USE THIS SPREADSHEET AT YOUR OWN RISK AND I ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FOLLOWING. ANYONE MISSING ANY WINNING NUMBERS BY USING THIS SPREADSHEET, ANYONE INPUTTING THEIR OWN TICKET NUMBERS INCORRECTLY AND ANYONE INPUTTING THE DRAW NUMBERS INCORRECTLY. 4. Installation. As with any Sheet file you can place it on drive C or D and in any folder, although in the zip file its path is defaulted to "\Documents\Sheet\" 5. Instructions. Once in the file you will see that the spreadsheet has 2 input areas. The line under the top line is where the draw numbers and bonus ball are entered, starting at "CELL O5" and to the right of this cell. Below this are two tickets of 7 lines each for you to input your ticket numbers. To the right of the tickets is the results column which displays how many ticket numbers match the draw numbers. Simple demonstration draw and ticket numbers are already input to allow you to see the permutations of results displayed. Protection is set to on. You will need to turn this off from the "Tools" menu so you can input your own ticket numbers. For any of the demonstration ticket number lines you do not overwrite with your own numbers, you can remove these by highlighting and pressing the DELETE key. This will obviously delete the contents but does not delete the box border formatting. PLEASE ALSO ENSURE YOU INPUT YOUR TICKET NUMBERS CORRECTLY. Then it is advisable to reset the protection back to on to protect your ticket numbers from deletion or accidentally inputting numbers over the top of the original ones. The spreadsheet also checks the draw and tickets numbers for the following input errors. Duplication, missing numbers and numbers outside the 1 to 49 range.Ticket number input errors will be displayed in the result column opposite the ticket line in question. Draw number errors will be displayed on the line immediately below the draw numbers and will also display a message in every result box for each ticket line. This will overwrite any ticket number errors, if any and the normal result message until the draw number error is corrected. Initially recalculation is set to auto. This can be set to off from the "Tools/Preferences" menu or "Ctrl+K" for the shortcut key. It is the last option at the bottom of the page. This will prevent spurious error messages until all of the draw numbers are input and long recalculation times for each draw number you input if you have a lot of tickets. You can manually recalculate with the shortcut key "Shift+Ctrl+K". 6. Checking technique. As explained earlier on I do not totally rely on the spreadsheet to show the winning numbers, as I use it as a quick aid to checking all lines. To this end the panes are frozen one line below the draw numbers (PLEASE ENSURE IT STAYS THIS WAY AS THE ERROR MESSAGES FOR THE DRAW NUMBERS ARE DISPLAY IN THIS LINE). This helps as you page down so you can cross check your ticket line numbers against the result shown and the draw numbers at the top. 7. Generating more tickets The spreadsheet comes with 2 tickets already supplied. This is the minimum required for it to function correctly. If you do not use all the ticket lines do not worry as the results column is designed to only display for the tickets lines entered. If however you require more than 2 tickets please carry out the following instructions exactly. Place the cursor in the top left hand cell of last ticket on the spreadsheet and then holding down the shift key highlight over to the results column and down to Line G. Select copy "Ctrl C" and then paste "Ctrl V" these to immediately underneath this last ticket just copied, leaving one line separating them. 8. Last note I designed the spreadsheet to be simple, no random number generator or storing of numbers, that sort of thing, just a plain old number checker. Its just a case of entering your ticket numbers, then the Draw numbers at Draw time and then recalculating. I hope you will find this eases the burden of your weekly chore, if you have a lot of tickets or are part of a large syndicate.Thank you. Derek