Contents 1) Installing Yartsie using PsiWin. 2) Installing Yartsie without PsiWin. 3) Sounds. 4) Known problems. 1) Installing Yartsie Using PsiWin: The first thing you need to do is to extract the files from the ZIP file. You should get a folder named Yartsie containing the following files and folders: Yartsie.AIF Yartsie.APP Yartsie.HLP Folder:Graphics - containing 22 MBM files. Folder:Sounds - containing 22 files. Altogether, Yartsie takes up 251KB on your Psion. The sound files take up over half of this. You can delete any unwanted sound files or replace them with your own. Read the section on Sounds for more details. Load PsiWin and connect your Series 5 as usual. Open the C: drive icon within PsiWin and open the System folder and then the Apps folder. Copy the Yartsie folder you extracted earlier into the Apps folder in PsiWin and a few seconds later a ray-traced dice icon will appear on your Extras Bar. You can install Yartsie onto a memory card instead of the C: drive, as far as I know you just follow the instructions above for the D: drive but I have not had chance to try it myself. 2) Installing Yartsie Without Using PsiWin: You will need a communications package that uses the XModem or YModem transfer protocols. If your computer supports long filenames, decompress the files first. If not you will have to try to transfer them directly from the ZIP file or rename them once they are on the Series 5. Start the Comms program on the Series 5 and make sure that the Baud, Data Bits, Stop Bits, Parity and Protocol settings are the same for both computers. Experiment sending files between the computers to get used to using the programs. Note that Comms on the Series 5 will not send or receive folders. Now create a folder called Yartsie somewhere on your Series 5, it does not matter where. Open this new folder and create two new folders named Graphics and Sounds. Transfer the Yartsie.AIF, Yartsie.APP and Yartsie.HLP files into your new Yartsie folder and transfer the graphics files into the Graphics folder and the sound files into the Sounds folder. Back on the System screen of the Series 5, press Ctrl-K and ensure the Show 'System' Folder box is ticked. Now select your Yartsie folder and press Ctrl-X. A dotted box should be drawn around the folder. Now locate and open the System folder and open the Apps folder within. There should be several folders named Agenda, Bombs, Calc etc. Press Ctrl-V to move your Yartsie folder into the Apps folder and in a couple of seconds your Extras Bar will be updated. Enjoy. 3) Sounds There are 22 sound files which may be replaced or deleted individually as required. This may be because you don't like the original sounds or you think you can come up with better ones. Note: If you pass this game on to anyone else, you must include the original sound files. The sounds will be stored in \System\Apps\Yartsie\Sounds on whichever drive you have installed the game on. You will need to have the Show 'System' Folder option ticked in the Preferences menu option on the System screen to access it. The sound files are detailed below: Filename Played When… 0Yartsie Yartsie box is filled with a 0 and you get a Yartsie 1Dice you roll 1 die 2Dice you roll 2 dice 3Dice you roll 3 dice 4Dice you roll 4 dice 5Dice you roll 5 dice Best your best score or your average score increases Bonus you have secured the 35 point bonus Exit1 you exit the game. Randomly selected with… Exit2 First you get your first Yartsie of a game Good final score is between 180 and 299 Great final score is 300 or above but not a Highscore HighScore you beat the lowest score on the Highscore Table Less your chances of getting the bonus are decreased LowScore final score is less than 180 More your chances of getting the bonus are increased NoBonus you fail to get the bonus Welcome after loading and the screen is drawn Worst worst score or your average score increases Yartsie you get your second and subsequent Yartsies Zero you place a score of zero I have tried to keep a theme to the sounds and use the same voice for opposing actions such as More and Less. If you create your own sound sets, ZIP them up and E-Mail them to me and I will put the best ones on a Yartsie Web-Site when I get one. 4) Known Problems. Yartsie has been tested with over 3000 games but unfortunately some bugs may still be undetected and there are some problems I already know about but am unable to change. If you discover any bugs or know how to solve any of the current problems, or have suggestions for improvements, I would love to hear from you. Write to: Michael Jagger P.O. Box 104 Leeds LS5 3XT England Or I will be correcting any bugs I can and may be making improvements so look out for future updates. This version is 1.20. Current known problems are: The players' files are all saved into one folder. When selecting a player file to load or delete, I wanted to restrict the user to this folder but unfortunately they are given a choice of directory. On top of this, if you move the selector down to this directory and press Tab, the program crashes. Does anyone know how to solve this? I launch the Help file as detailed in the OPL manual. Unfortunately, if the Help file is already open an error is raised. You have to use the task switcher to go to the Help file. How can I detect if the file is already open and then switch to it? When playing the sounds, I got an error when the battery power is too low. I used the System routine to check the battery level before playing sounds but then they were not played when the external power was connected if the batteries were too low. I also got an error if sound was turned off in the Control Panel. I am currently using a dodgy error trapping routine to sort this out but if anyone knows how to check for external power and/or how to check the Sound setting in the Control Panel please let me know.