Channel is a very simple program . All it does is convert a given UHF channel number into its vision carrier frequency or from frequency to channel number . To install Channel simply double click on the SIS file , or copy the SIS file to your Psion and use the Add/Remove command in the control panel to add the program . To use Channel , select it from the Extras Bar . The dialog will ask you which type of conversion you would like ( Channel - from channel number to frequency ) or ( Frequency - from frequency to channel number ) . When entering the Frequency you do not need to be precise , the program will automatically convert to the nearest channel number . If you need to know the exact frequency - convert the channel number back into a frequency and the exact Vision Carrier Frequency will be calculated . Channel is freeware , I use it on my Revo reglarly and I have not suffered from any unusual growths, injuries or data loss as a result . I cannot promise that you won't either . Copyright Mark Stevenson 2000