Compress V2 Beta (778) Copyright (C) 2000-2005 by Splash Computing. All Rights Reserved Please read Compress V2 Beta (778)txt for installation instructions. History Future improvements/wishes: Better file selecting (not very easy to use at present) Batch compression so you can compress more than one file at a time. Automatic configuration, so you can have it automatically compress the files you want and when you want. Launch CompressDB from within a database or agenda file. More files types it can compress (very difficult but i will look into this once the other thigs are done). Hopefully this will all be done through addon modules, so if you want or sdon't want a function you can choose whether or not to install it. V 2.00 In this version I corrected the known problems and now it tell you it does not support that file type if you select a file it can not compress, and will just simply go vback to the main dialog screen, so you can work on other files. V 1.20 This version had the about box on the main screen dialog removed, due to not working unless a file was of any type was selected. This was replaced with the about box info being kept on the main screen all the time. Very useful for getting quick help. tided up the code for the setup/startup screen. Made the code for this universal, so it can be used in any program. Know problems: same as version 1 & 1.11 V 1.11 This version of the program had a new start up screen with contact details and gave the idea it was seting up the program when it was not. All you have to do is press enter and it would bypass this startup screen. Known Problems: Same as version one, no real improvements. Version 1.00 This basically had limited functions and could only compact data and agenda files. Known problems: when selecting a file that it could not compress, it informed you of the error and then just exited. This was a pain if you wanted to compress several files one after the other. For bug reports or suggestions/tips I can be contacted on: Email: