Compress V2 Beta (778) Copyright (C) 2000-2005 by Splash Computing. All Rights Reserved Please read Compress V2 Beta (778)txt for installation instructions. For a complete list of functions and upgrades to this program, then goto History.txt Important: All my work is called Beta (778) but the version number is different, so please check. This does not mean to say my program is still in beta testing, far from it. It merely means that the program is still evolving, so to show this fact, to cover myself incase of any hidden bugs i myself have not discovered whilst using the program, but might still be lerking deep within the program. I reserve the right to the program, hovever if you have any ideas or tips on how to improve it, please let me know, all help will be taken into consideration, and if used, you will get a mention in the readme file. My Thanks goto: Symbian for their excellent series 5 emulator ER5 It helped in the testing and writing of the program, The most important thanks goes to the person I don't know who wrote Sysram1.opx for without this file my progarm would not have worked. My main thanks goes to Richard Smedley who program ineterface I copied and upgraded. The only code that is his is the nice compression code, everthingthing else in mine. The error code and appearance/help /setup/startup screen code is mine. Thanks go to Aranola Computing Limited who gave me the idea to put the help file on the screen permanetly. However their program only operates on database files, and won't show other files at all. It even won't show the system screen. Thanks also goto Braindrain who gave me the idea for the layout of the error code statement. This is a nice program, 2 way to select a file. You can compress database and aganda files. However the size of the program once installed is 17K if you don't add the file Sysram1.opx. Not a lot consaidering what the program can do, but compared to my program you make a loss of 15k. The only different to mine and his is the fact I can select files from the system folder and the interface is only slightly different. Size of program without Sysram1.opx is 2k. only 1k more than Richard Smedley's program but that does not have error handerling nor does it run on the extras bar. This program is the smallest database and agenda compression program with error handerling around. I have kept everything simple and have stopped myself adding code for the sake of it, and increasing the programs size without any fuction improvement. Useage: This is very simple please refer to the program itself. All you have to do is select a database or agenda file you want to compress and it will compress the file and tell you how much memory savings you've made, or in other words, savings to the size of the file. For bug reports or suggestions/tips, I can be contacted on: Email: