FreeSpace version 1.0 18th December 1999 Copyright (C) UK 1999 Philip Bister INTRODUCTION FreeSpace displays a graphical representation of the free (and used) disk space for each of the drives on the machine. FreeSpace also displays full information expressed in Kbytes the total disk space, amount used, and amount of Kbytes free. SUITABLE MACHINES FreeSpace runs on all EPOC32 machines, provided the screen size is at least 360 pixels in width and 150 pixels in height. At the time of writing, the only EPOC machine FreeSpace is not suitable for is the Oregon Osaris ARCHIVE FILE DETAILS The archive file should contain the following files: Readme.txt Freespace10.aif INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS To Install FreeSpace, create a folder "\System\Apps\Freespace10" on any drive. Copy the following files into the Freespace10 folder. Freespace10.aif FreeSpace will now appear on your extras bar. USING FREESPACE The program always starts up by displaying details of drive C. If you have a disk in drive D, simply tap the 'D' button on screen - FreeSpace will show details about drive D. FreeSpace also responds to the keyboard - so you may examine any drive on your machine by pressing an alphabetic key. To exit FreeSpace either tap the on screen exit button, or Control-e on the keyboard. COPYRIGHT FreeSpace is Copyright (C) UK 1999 Philip Bister. All rights reserved. Reverse engineering/translation prohibited. UNSUPPORTED FREEWARE This program is released as unsupported freeware. The author regrets he cannot enter in correspondence and therefore a contact address is not given. However, this is not to say that updated versions would not be released from time to time via the 3-Lib library. DISTRIBUTION You are free to distribute this program providing all the orginal files remain intact and unmodified. DISCLAIMER This software is supplied 'as is'. Every effort has been made to ensure that this software is free from errors. However, no software author can guarantee it. The author takes no responsibility as to the suitability of this products intended purpose or for the accuracy of the data contained within it, or for any consequences or damages which may occur as a result of using this program. YOU MUST USE THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. CREDITS With thanks to: Al Richey, author of S5Event v1.2 Richard Smedley, author of SafeOPL32