Hang5 (c)1998 Phil Ursell Disclaimer. You use this software entirely at your own risk. I accept no responsibility for any damange physical or otherwise as a result of using installing or anything else to do with this software. Your on your own. Installation. Hang5 will run off either the C: or the D: drive. Just create a directory called hang5 in the system/apps directory. Now copy hang5.app and hang5.aif into this directory. Now within the hang5 directory create the following directories. DB, GFX, SFX. Into the GFX directory copy the logo.mbm file. ALL DIRECTORIES MUST BE PRESENT AND LOGO.MBM MUST BE IN THE GFX DIRECTORY! You should now be able to run hang5 from the extras bar. CPU Databases. So, you want to know how to create them then. Right, you can do this from data. You will need to enter all the words you want into the template database (download from http://www.wizzard.demon.co.uk/psion) Enter away, until you've had enough. CLOSE DATA or the next bit will not work. Next from within hang5 from the Game menu select Convert Database option. Select your template data document in the dialog box. Next you get to input some details about yorself (i.e. so other people will have to reconsise your pure brilliance) and you should see it convert it for you. (Your original data document will remain unchanged so you can add to it at a later date.) From the settings menu you should be able to select CPU player. Again, from the settings menu you should select the select cpu database option. Select your template file (it should be now in the system/apps/hang5/db dorectory). Start a new game and hey presto your words are now being used. **************************************************************************************** NOTE: You must be a registered user to use and convert databases. See either my web site http://www.wizzard.demon.co.uk/psion OR press CTRL+G within hang5. IT IS COMPLETLY FREE TO BECOME REGISTERED!!! **************************************************************************************** What selse is there? Well, as this is a freeware application, your gonna have to work the rest out for yourself. Sorry, but if I was getting paid for this I may take a little more time. Still..... If you want to contact me email hang5@wizzard.demon.co.uk for the latest version http://www.wizzard.demon.co.uk/psion PLEASE DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THIS SOFTWARE FOR ANY COMMERCIAL GAIN. IF YOU WANT TO HOST THIS FILE ON YOUR WEBSITE CONTACT ME FIRST. I PROBABLY WON'T SAY NO, I JUST WANT TO KEEP TABS OF WHERE IT IS KEPT, SO I CAN ALWAYS MAKE THE LATEST VERSION AVAILABLE TO YOU. Enjoy, Phil