JTValuta5 - version 2.5 - FREEWARE (c) 1998 JTSOFT-98. by Jeremy Tjon - tjon@worldonline.nl The program have got two parts: JTValuta5 (currency calculator) JTRates5 (currency setup) INSTALLATION: *************** All files MUST be installed on disk C:\. - Create a sub-directory: C:\SYSTEM\JTR\ Copy the file: JTRates into it. - Copy the files: JTRates5en.app and JTRates5en.aif to the C:\SYSTEM\APPS\JTRates5en\ directory - Copy the files: JTValuta5en.app and JTValuta5en.aif to the C:\SYSTEM\APPS\JTValuta5en\ directory - Copy the file: Start.pbm to the C:\SYSTEM\APPS\JTValuta5\ directory. Now both icons (JTRates5 and JTValuta5) are appear in the Extras Bar. First start JTRates5, to look how you can setup a currency. A up-to-date example setup has been created by me. You can now use JTValuta5, to calculate your currencies. Best Regards, Jeremy Tjon. 14 years old. I LIVE IN HOLLAND E-MAIL: tjon@worldonline.nl MY DUTCH PRO-PSION SITE: http://www.freeyellow.com/members4/propsion/psion.htm Please send any comment to me.