WELCOME to LINE v1.0 ------------------ Line is a small and useless screen-saver/battery-eater for your Psion S5. It simply generates a random bouncing line on the screen, letting you select some parameters like the lenght of the tail, sound effects and other. INSTALLING LINE ------------------ 1. Unzip line.zip 2. On the Psion, make sure that "Show 'System' Folder" is selected on the System Menu - Tools / Preferences. 3. On the Psion, create a new "\System\Apps\Line" folder, on either C: or D: drives 4. Using PsiWin, copy these unzipped files from your PC, to the newly-created Simon folder on the Psion: - line.aif - line.app - line ico.mbm - line mask.mbm Note: if you see any "Copy File" dialogs, press the "Copy Only" button. 5. Line should now appear in your "Extras" menu. UNINSTALLING LINE ------------------ If you need to uninstall Line, simply delete the System\Apps\Line folder. LEGAL STUFF ------------------ This program is © Sergio Alisi 1998. You may use and copy this program freely, on condition that no charge of any kind is made for copies. In using Line you agree to indemnify the author against any liability. Line is freeware and is provided with no express or implied warranties as to fitness your purpose. You agree to use this program at your own risk. CONTACTS ------------------ Please send any comments or bug reports to: sergioalisi@geocities.com Keep an eye on my web site for any news: http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/bridge/1492 THANKS AND ENJOY