Micropwr5 enables easy calculation of a Microwave ovens cooking power . To install Micropwr5 simply double click on the SIS file , or copy the SIS file to your Psion and use the Add/Remove command in the control panel to add the program . When Micropwr is run from the Extras bar , you are first asked for the type of power calculation , Old ( Jis ) or New ( Iec ) . New ( Iec ) ovens have a 'Wave' symbol on the front of the oven giving the rated power and the class of oven as a letter ( A-F ) . Most Ovens produced after around 1992 are Iec rated , earlier ovens and most commercial ovens are Jis rated . Once the conversion is selected you are prompted to place two 500ml containers of tap water in the oven , use a quality thermometer to measure the waters starting temperature and press 'Enter' to continue , next enter the water temperature and press 'Enter' to continue , set the oven on full power for at least 1 minute 30 seconds then press 'Enter' to start the countdown , as soon as Micropwr beeps - stop the oven and measure the water temperature enter the final temperature in the dialog , then press 'Enter' to continue , the calculated power will be calculated and displayed in the format selected . It sounds complex - but is very straightforward when you come to use it , it has to be for the people who use it at work ! Micropwr is freeware , I use it on my Revo reglarly and I have not suffered from any unusual growths, injuries or data loss as a result . I cannot promise that you won't either . Copyright Mark Stevenson 2000 mkstevo@nildram.co.uk