WELCOME TO MY ORANGE PROGRAM To install this program please place the files Orange.app and Orange.aif into a folder called "\system\apps\orange" on any drive. Now place the file "Orange.scr" into a folder called "\comms\scripts\" on the "C" drive and also create a folder called "C:\comms\names\". This program is a small Application designed to run my Orange script that automates the procedure of sending Text (SMS) messages to any Orange mobile phone user via Orange's Messageing Direct Service. The script itself will work perfectly well without this application file. Just run it from the Comms app. as you would any other script. The purpose of this app file is to put a mobile phone icon on your Extra's bar that when "tapped" in the usual manor will automatically run the Comms application and then run the Orange Script. This program is "Shareware" but I'll leave it up to you to send me any monies that you see fit! Please send cash or sterling cheques to: Tony Crocker 10 Doyle CloseDrummond ParkErithKentDA8 3QT Please visit my website at "http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/tsteven_c" for the latest updates.