PageNumber Convert Text Messages to Numbers By Steve Beadle What does it do? Presents a simple dialog box for you to enter a message. This gets converted into a sequence of numbers (5 numbers for 3 letters) which you can then use via a touch-tone phone to send a pager or SMS message without speaking to an operator. The numbers are grouped into 5s for easy entry. When you re-enter the number sequence into the lower part of the dialog box they will get converted back into the original message. The following characters are supported: (space) * + , - . / : ? @ 0 to 9 A to Z Installation Copy all files to a new folder called x:\System\Apps\PageNumber where x: is any drive. You may need to make the System folder visible from the System Preferences menu. Pad should then appear as an Extras icon. How to use it Type the string into the upper portion and then press Enter. Type the sequence of numbers (with or without spaces) into the lower portion and press Enter while the cursor is on the lower portion. A maximum of 48 letters can be entered. Copyright This program has been written by Steve Beadle. It may be distributed freely as long as it is not altered or sold. This program is a SmileWare, which means that if you use it, you "MUST" send me a :-) . I will then notify you of new releases. Thank you to all of you who send me comments, new ideas, and :-) Disclaimer While this program has been extensively tested I will not be held responsible for any problems it may cause (sleepless nights, flat batteries etc). Please forward any comments you may have to: Updated software is available via: Smileware This program will cost you nothing - except a smile :-) Email a smile :-) to me if you have used the program - I will not use your address for any mailings except for notification of updates - just to stroke my ego and encourage me to produce more. Steve.