PsiFS: Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

The following questions have been asked frequently. Please check this list before reporting any problems.
  1. Why are InternalPC and SP_DualPC the only serial blockdrivers offered?
  2. Why is the error Cannot open port displayed when attempting to print?
  3. Why does the computer hang when PsiFS is enabled?
  4. Why do links between the help pages not work?
  5. Why is the remote link very slow or unreliable?
  6. How do I convert SIBO or EPOC files for use under RISC OS?
  7. Why is the error Access denied displayed when attempting to install a SIS file?
  8. Why is the error SWI &83901 not known displayed when using *PsiFSListDrivers?
  9. Why are the file names in a backup corrupt?
  10. Why does PsiFS not work on early Archimedes?

[Contents] Copyright © Alexander Thoukydides, 1998, 1999, 2000