PsiFS: Getting Started

Getting Started

PsiFS should be loaded by double-clicking on the !PsiFS icon in a filer window. This will add the idle icon to the left-hand side of the iconbar:

If the standard internal serial port is being used, then PsiFS can be used in remote link mode without changing the default configuration. However, to use the printer mirror mode, or if a third-party serial port card is being used, then it will be necessary to configure the serial block driver first.

Connect a suitable serial cable between the two machines. The Psion Series 3/3a and Acorn PocketBook I require a special Psion 3-Link or Acorn A-Link cable; other machines use a simple serial cable like that supplied with the Psion Series 5. Note that only the Psion 3-Link will work unmodified on early Acorn Archimedes computers.

Remote Link

The main use of PsiFS is to access files stored on a SIBO or EPOC device as if they were on a local drive. A remote link can be connected or disconnected as required by simply clicking on the icon. The icon will change to reflect the current status.

The remote link can be used to perform a manual or automatic backup of any available drive. Restoring backups is slightly more complicated, but should rarely be required.

Printer Mirror

PsiFS can also be used to print from a SIBO or EPOC device via the RISC OS computer without requiring any additional cables. The printer mirror can also be enabled or disabled by simply clicking on the icon. The icon will change to reflect the current status.

[Contents] Copyright © Alexander Thoukydides, 1998, 1999, 2000