PSI-JONG TILESET CREATION PACK V 1.1 ==================================== Creating a new tileset is very easy, just follow these instructions carefully. Copy the files 'BLANKSET' and 'TILEMAKER.OPO' to the root directory on your Series 5's internal memory ( C:\ ). 'BLANKSET' is a sketch file, open it. You will see a number of blank tiles, draw the designs that you want onto the blank tiles. When you have finished, from the menu under 'Edit' select 'Select all'. Under 'File' select 'More' and then 'Export'. Name the file 'Newset' and save it to C:\ Now press the System button and select Tilemaker.opo The program will ask you to enter a name for the new tileset, and will then create it in C:\. IMPORTANT: If you are making the tileset available for others to use, use the file as created. Once the file has been copied to your PSI-JONG directory and PSI-JONG has been run the file will be renamed (spaces will be added if the name is less than 8 characters), Windows may rename the file automatically if these spaces are present, causing problems, so please just release the file as created by TILEMAKER. IMPORTANT: Please also include a readme.txt file with the tileset, I am happy for you to take the credit for creating the tileset, but please include the following text, 'This tileset is copyright Ben Vaughan and programs may not be created that use it without written permission from Ben Vaughan.' Now copy the tileset file to your Psi-Jong directory. If Psi-Jong is running, you will need to close it and then restart it before it will recognise the the new tileset. Psi-Jong will recognise up to 20 tilesets. All tilesets created remain copyright of Ben Vaughan, and may only be used in Psi-Jong and other programs that I create that are designed to use them. Third party's may not create programs that use tilesets created with Tilemaker or my blank tileset without written permission from myself. Please send me a copy of any tilesets that you create that are of a reasonable quality, I may make them available for download from my website. Enjoy... Ben Vaughan.