'SPOON SPENDER' (c)1998 Orchard Hill S&CG USER DOCUMENTATION [ CONTENTS [ 1.0 WHAT IS 'SPOON SPENDER'? [ 2.0 INSTALLATION [ 3.0 FIRST USE [ 4.0 CONFIGURING THE PROGRAM [ 4.1 CONFIGURING THE RANGES [ 4.2 CONFIGURING THE CHARGE RATES [ 4.3 RESETTING THE TOTAL [ 5.0 SPECIFYING ALARM TIMES [ 6.0 THE LOG FILE [ 6.1 RESETTING THE LOG FILE [ 6.2 SPECIFYING A NEW LOG FILE [ 7.0 STARTING, STOPPING & PAUSING A SESSION [ 7.1 STARTING A SESSION [ 7.2 STOPPING A SESSION [ 7.3 PAUSING A SESSION [ 8.0 LIMITATIONS & DISCLAIMER 1.0 WHAT IS 'SPOON SPENDER'? This little app calculates the cost of a phonecall from the duration of the phonecall, taking into account the time of day and/or week the call is being made. 2.0 INSTALLATION Copy the files from the ZIP to \system\apps\spoon1. Only two files are created by Spoon Spender. One is a text editable Initialisation file and the other is the user-defineable log file. 3.0 FIRST USE Upon the first execution, the program will need to create the initialisation file and the default log file. This will take some time. 4.0 COFIGURING THE PROGRAM 4.1 CONFIGURING THE TIME RANGES This program assumes that there are two basic time ranges, these being the early morning to late night range and the late night to early morning range (which goes through midnight). You use this dialogue to configre when each range starts. By defining the start of one range, you automatically define the end of another. 4.2 CONFIGURING THE CHARGE RATES Enter the charge, in pence, for each period referenced in the dialogue box. If no weekend charge applies, enter 0 and the regular midweek charge will apply. The minimum charge specified will be added tou your current / running cost at the start of the next session. 4.3 RESETTING THE TOTAL Sekecting this option will reset your running total cost to £0. This cost is your total spending since the last reset. 5.0 SPECIFYING ALARM TIMES A brief alarm will sound after every x minutes after y pounds in money has been spent. The program compares this spending value with the amount of money you have spent in the next session. Therefore, if 'Alarm Every (Minutes)' is set to 2 and 'From cost (pounds)' is st to 5, the program will beep every two minutes once you have spent more than five pounds in your next session. 6.0 THE LOG FILE The log file keeps track of each on-line session you record. You ca specify its lcation and reset it whenever you want (aren't a the good chap). 6.1 RESETTING THE LOG FILE The log file can be reset (say every quarter) by selecting this opiton. 6.2 SPEIFYING A NEW LOG FILE Select this menu option to specify a new location for the text based log file. 7.0 STARTING, STOPPING & PAUSING A SESSION 7.1 STARTING A SESSION To start a session, select 'Start' from the 'Session' menu. 7.2 PAUSING A SESSION To pause a session, press the Menu button and select 'Temporary Disconnect'. When paused, you will be given the option to re-charge the minimum charge or continue as normal upon restart. 7.3 STOPPING A SESSION To stop a session, press the 'Menu' key and select 'Exit' 8.0 LIMITATIONS AND DISCLAIMER This application was written in OPL32. This means that it isn't as fast as it would be if it was written in a proper language (like C++). I wrote this program to keep an eye on my PC internet access and haven't used this whie on-line using my Psion (as I am still waiting for the modem adaptor to arrive). However, I suspect that this program will slow down the Message Suite to an unacceptable level. I accept no liability, whether implied or otherwise. This shouldn't lose anything from your Psion but if it does, either directly or indirectly, IT'S NOT MY FAULT GUV'NOR! POB BENDYTH I CHI GYD! DIOLCH AM LLWYTHO'R RHAGLEN HON AR I'CH CYFRIFIADUR.