PsiFS: SWI Calls


(SWI &520C5)
Start an asynchronous remote operation

On entry:R0 =reason code
Other registers depend on reason code

On exit:R0 =handle for the operation

Interrupts:Interrupt status is undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled

Processor mode:Processor is in SVC mode

Re-entrancy:SWI is not re-entrant

Use: This call starts an asynchronous remote operation, depending on the reason code in R0. Valid reason codes are:
0Close all open files on a drive
1Open the specified files

These operations may only be performed if the remote link is enabled and a connection has been established. If a connection has not been established, then the operation will complete with an error status.

Related SWIs:PsiFS_AsyncEnd, PsiFS_AsyncPoll, PsiFS_AsyncControl

Related vectors:None

PsiFS_AsyncStart 0
(SWI &520C5)
Close all open files on a drive

On entry:R0 =0
R1 =drive
R2 =pointer to control-character terminated file name
R3 =append to end of file (0 overwrites)

On exit:R0 =handle for the operation

Use: Close all tasks with files open on the specified drive. A list of the files closed is written to the specified file in a suitable format for subsequently restarting the tasks.

PsiFS_AsyncStart 1
(SWI &520C5)
Open the specified files

On entry:R0 =1
R1 =pointer to control-character terminated file name
R2 =delete file when finished (0 leaves it)

On exit:R0 =handle for the operation

Use: Restart the tasks listed in the specified file.

[Contents] [Up] Copyright © Alexander Thoukydides, 1998, 1999