Uhf_5 is a 'Free' channel finder for Vcr / Satellite / Digibox modulator . You enter the channels which are currently occupied ( either by the local television company transmitter - or by existing modulators ) and any free channels will be calculated . When Uhf_5 is run , a 'Splash screen' is displayed , press 'Enter' to continue . If this is the first time the program is run you will be asked to enter the channel numbers for BBC1,BBC2,ITV,Ch 4 and CH 5 - do this and press 'Enter' , you will now be asked for the channel numbers of the digital terrestrial multiplexes enter these and press 'Enter' , you can now enter any other channels currently occupied ( by existing Vcr modulators etc ) , press 'Enter' , the unoccupied channels wil be calculated and displayed . If your transmitter does not have a Channel 5 channel number , or no DTV channels , in the relevant boxes enter a channel number of 20 and it will be ignored when calculating the empty channels . The local channels will be stored in a database and used when the program is started , in this case the local channels and digital channels dialog boxes will be filled in for you so you can simply press enter in both of these dialogs to confirm the details . Note that if you alter any of the details , the alterations will be saved automatically . You can only have one set of channel numbers saved at any one time . Note that Uhf_5 tries to ensure that the free channels are at least 3 channels higher or lower than any other occupied channels . It is actually reccomended that no channels are 3,7 or 9 channels above or below any other channel - I find that so long as there is at least a 3 channel gap then no intermodulation distortion occurs unless you are in an area with an extremely strong signal - this is usually cured with an attenuator !! Naturally this program takes no account of areas where reception is possible from more than one transmitter at reasonable signal strength , if this applies to you , either enter the secondary channels in the DTV channel boxes , or use the 'Other Channels' to enter these . Uhf_5 is freeware , I use it on my Revo reglarly and I have not suffered from any unusual growths, injuries or data loss as a result . I cannot promise that you won't either . Copyright Mark Stevenson 2000 mkstevo@nildram.co.uk