This is Version 1.02 of XTM. These release notes are provided to give late breaking information and upgrade guidelines for XTM. If you are installing XTM for the first time, you MUST READ THE MANUAL (manual.pdf - an Adobe Acrobat file) because these notes do NOT tell you how to get started! 1. Upgrading to Version 1.02 from an earlier release If you have used an earlier XTM any disk images you have created will work under Version 1.02. Performing an install from your PC using the SIS file will update the emulator. 2. Upgrading to Version 1.02 from a Beta release If you are upgrading from a Beta release, you will also need to copy the program XTMMOUSE.EXE onto your handheld if you want to use the new mouse driver. The released software includes minor changes to the Beta font files to correct the "jagged lines" problem. Unfortunately, EPOC32 appears to keep copies of the old fonts in memory, even after the new font files have been installed. Thus, even though you have installed the new font files as part of installing Version 1.02, when you run XTM you still get the old ones. The only foolproof way we have found to make the old ones go away is performing a "soft reset" of the machine. Using a bent paper clip, press the reset button on your machine. On a Series 5 it's the shiny hole in the corner of the backup battery compartment. On a Geofox-One it's on the bottom near the speaker. 3. Changes from Version 1.01 to Version 1.02 There are no major functional changes in Version 1.02, only minor changes to increase compatibility with certain applications. * The Int 5Fh graphics handler has been improved to make the acCIS 4.0 communications package paint the screen correctly. This may affect other HP200LX applications, but will not affect normal DOS programs. * The EPOC32 file system driver has been improved to support file access under DR-DOS for applications originally written for MS-DOS version 1.x. MS-DOS users will not see any change in behaviour. * The keyboard driver on a Series 5 now passes Shift-Tab to applications. 4. Changes from Beta 3 to Version 1.01 * A mouse driver is included which translates pen taps into mouse clicks. * COM2 is available on a Geofox-One. * XTM will still run when the COM port(s) are in use by another application or the remote link is on. * Some minor BIOS and EPOC file server changes to improve XT compatibility. * Error in font file which caused jagged lines in text mode corrected. * Some minor CPU changes to improve Intel compatibility. 5. Known Restrictions * On a Series 5, Alt key sequences are not always recognised by some DOS programs. * The EPOCFS file server interface does not reset all its parameters when XTM reboots, leading to spurious error messages when some redirections are re-established.