SAVEMAIL HISTORY & UPGRADING INSTRUCTIONS ------------------ v 1.00 * first public release v 1.10 * "internationalized" version, should work with any language of the Psion S5 and MsgSuite 1.52 v 1.11 * fixed a bug when the date format was 12 hours am/pm v 1.12 * fixed a bug that caused the date string to be copied into the title when the subject was particularly long v 1.13 * fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the "from" field from being copied; no more "display switching" between Email and the Data file during the copy & paste procedures (saves time and batteries...) v 1.20 * all the message fields are now copied in one single step, then pasted all together to the Data file (saves time); * rewritten the date format procedure (now much faster); * to prevent a "compressing file to save memory" routine from interfering with the correct timing of the macro, the Data file is now always opened at the beginning of SaveMail v 1.21 * CC and BCC fields, if present in the original MsgSuite message, are simply ignored and no more pasted to the wrong place (the title field) of the MailBox Data file v 2.00 * CC and BCC fields, if present, are now correctly stored to a new field (CC/BCC) in the Mailbox Data file; see UPGRADING below * fixed a bug that made the macro crash when trying to copy a field (other than body) with more than 250 characters; see KNOWN ISSUES v 2.10 * no more headaches while struggling with the opl code to adapt it to your folders, CF cards etc. and re-translating the whole! Now the macro is supplied in a ready-to-go SaveMail.opo file and a complete setup process will guide you the first time you launch SaveMail; * added the option of using multiple Data files to store different kinds of messages (see UPGRADING below); * added the option of automatically archiving a group of messages and deleting them from Email, if necessary; * now SaveMail detects your DATE FORMAT from the System settings and works correctly according to them (no more problems for the American MM/DD/YYYY format!). v 2.11 * added the option to create a NEW Data file from within the macro; * the SaveMail.ini file (which contains your setup details) is now stored to the "C:\System\" folder to prevent a "Syntax error" if any "illegal" character (e.g. space) is contained in the path of the macros folder (if you want to keep the .ini file saved with v2.10, simply move it from your macros folder to the new location, otherwise delete it); * now fully compatible with Geofox machines (no need to modify the code and retranslate, just use the supplied SaveMail.opo file); * added a report window after a successful archiving of more messages; * now SaveMail, if run as a standalone app, doesn't crash but informs the user that it has to be launched through Macro5. v 2.12 * due to an oversight on my side, all the "preformatted" Data files shipped with the previous releases of SaveMail had the FIND facility disabled; the new of this release fixes the problem, but if you have previous Data files, simply open them, choose Menu/Tools/Find by label... and tick all the labels you want to include in your search (the more labels you select, the slower will be the search, especially with big Data files); * added a progress report after each message of a group is successfully stored (e.g. "Message 2 of 8 stored"); * minor changes to some dialog windows. v 2.20 * fixed a bug that made the macro crash when archiving messages with an empty "TO" field (e.g. the mailing list from Psion) * now the SaveMail Setup may be relaunched from within the macro, in the target data file window (if enabled). v 2.30 * easier setup: now SaveMail automatically detects the version of Macro5 you have installed on your machine; * rewritten the procedure to test if SaveMail is launched as a macro; * added a warning window when the "auto-delete" option is selected; * now works on the 5mx, with some limitations; v 2.40 * added the option of storing the messages to a "plain" Word file; * added an icon (SaveMail.ico) for the graphic panels of Macro5 v2.40; * in the setup procedure, added the option of changing the "Yes button keystroke" of the Email app if SaveMail fails to detect the right one (may happen if the language of your S5 differs from the one of Email) v 2.41 * for 5mx users only: solved a problem due to the Email program which deletes the From field from any stored "Sent" message (moved from the "Sent" folder to any other user-defined folder) * should work with any language of the 5mx and 5mx-pro (feedback is welcome, as I can only work on the Epoc R5 PC Emulator...) v 2.42 * for 5mx users only: now the macro lets you specify a Date and Time which will be put in the Time field of any stored message * for 5mx users only: the "auto-delete" option has been re-enabled, as the above option allows you a better handling of each message v 2.50 * from this version onwards there are two different macros for Epoc Release 3 (Psion S5 and Geofox) and Release 5 (Psion S5mx etc.) * Macro5 v2.37 is no more supported, so check if v2.40 is installed * solved the problem with the dates: by using the "Reply to" option, the macro can get the right time and date of a message; doesn't work with Sent messages moved from the original Sent folder, which are given the time and date of the storing process, marked with (*) - see below * no more crashes when the macro finds a FAX: now such messages are simply ignored (SaveMail can't deal with them) and never deleted * found a better way to get the "Yes button keystroke": no more need to ask for it in the Setup procedure v 2.51 * easier setup: no need to specify the System shortcuts, now the procedure simply suggests a choice of machines/languages * fixed some problems with the German 5mx-pro (Find window in Email not working and AdjustDate routine fooled by month names in English instead of German...) * by using the "Reply to" option, the storing of a message to a Psion Word file is accomplished in one single step (much faster) * improved the handling of messages stored to a Psion Word file: the wbox extension has been eliminated, so any Word file can be selected as a target file; now the cursor is always left at the beginning of the file when the storing procedure ends; if you select an existing Word file, now the macro opens it in background (faster) v 2.60 * now the macro correctly handles any attachments it finds, puts their names to the target file and copies them to a user defined folder * for the above new functionality, the MailBox Data files have a new field to store the attachment(s) name (and path); Data files from any previous release have to be manually updated to be used with v2.60, see below the UPGRADING notes! * CC and BCC fields, if present, now are correctly identified and copied to the appropriate field in the target file * added an option to automatically close the target file at the end of the storing procedure v 2.61 * now works with the Italian 5mx * fixed a bug that made the macro crash when opening big Data files v 2.62 * added the option to filter attachments: now you can select up to 4 default names of attachments that will be always filtered by the macro, and so won't be saved to disk (e.g. "attachment" or "winmail.dat) * added the option to modify the macro speed (by increasing or decreasing the "Pause value" in the setup) in order to adapt it to different processor clock and different media support (Data files and Email messages stored to RAM are much more faster to be opened than the ones stored to a CF Card or to an IBM Microdrive) * fixed a bug that prevented the macro from storing the correct date if the date field was broken into two lines (e.g. using large fonts in Email) v 3.00 * SaveMail has become a "real" program (but still uses Macro5 libraries)! Easier installation through a standard sis file: now you can launch it via the Extras bar, or use it as usual via a Macro5 shortcut * added a "right" keystroke to move to the messages window in Email if you forget the cursor in the folders window * added the support to the German Ericsson MC218 * fixed a bug when opening the Data target file for the first time UPGRADING from v2.51 ------------------ From v2.60 the MailBox Data file structure has changed, to make place to the new Attachment(s) field: if you create a new target Data file from the macro itself, this file will be of the new type; if you want to update any previous Data file to the new structure (essential if you want to continue using them with v2.60), just follow the instructions below: - open your old MailBox Data file - select Menu/Tools/Change labels... - select ADD... - in the "label" field write: Attachment(s) - in the "data type" select: TEXT - put 250 in the No. characters field - choose OK two times - select Menu/Tools/Label preferences... - with the down arrow highlight Attachment(s) - choose the "Move Up" button - now you should have the Attachment(s) label positioned above the Body one - choose OK UPGRADING from v2.00 to v2.10 ------------------ If you already have a MailBox Data file from v2.00, simply RENAME it in order to add the ".box" EXTENSION (e.g. in system screen highlight the MailBox file, select Menu/File/Rename and change the name to UPGRADING from v1.xx to v2.00 ------------------ The new Data file you find in the file has been modified to make place for the CC/BCC field; if you already have a MailBox Data file from previous versions of SaveMail, you have to modify it in order to create this new field: * open your old MailBox Data file * select Menu/Tools/Change labels... * select ADD... * in the "label" field write: CC/BCC * in the "data type" select: MEMO * choose OK two times * select Menu/Tools/Label preferences... * with the down arrow highlight CC/BCC * choose the "Move Up" button * now you should have the CC/BCC label positioned between TO and Body * choose OK * now your Data file is upgraded to SaveMail v2.xx