============================================================ Installation of XJMail Version 1.31.0 by ktkawabe@hi-ho.ne.jp, reishi@anet.ne.jp The Japanese counterpart of this document is install_jpn.txt. This document details the installation of XJMail. For general explanations (what is XJMail, what is the license etc.), please see readme_eng.txt. Also you can find the help documentation xjm_hlp_eng.html This document only discusses about the installation of XJMail binary package (xjm???b.zip) (??? represents 2 or 3 digit number to specify XJMail version). There are other packages (like source package) available, but if you're simply interested in using XJMail, binary package is what you need. ============================================================ Table of Contents 1. Installation Summary 1.1. Basic Installation 1.2. Advanced Functionality and Customization 2. Basic Installation 2.1. Installation of xjmail.sis (MUST) 2.2. Installation of things NOT included in XJMail package 2.2.1. Text Editor (MUST) 2.2.2. Japanese Font (Only for those who don't use Japanese Psion hardware nor UniFEP V2 Japanese localization) 2.2.3. MessageSuite (Only for Series5/Geofox One/Osaris users) 3. Advanced Functionality and Customization 3.1. Optional Installation in XJMail Package. 3.1.1. Authentication Modules (Ask your ISP if you have to use these) APOP SMTP AUTH 3.1.2. Folder Selector Modules (If you like) 3.2. What Else are Developed by Others? 3.2.1. Importer Modules (If you like) 4. Uninstallation Appendix 1. About SIS Installation Appendix 2. List of Files Appendix 3. Component version ============================================================ 1. Installation Summary ----------------------- 1.1. Basic Installation ----------------------- Depending on your hardware and software environment, you have to install the following things. * If your device is not at all Japanese, and your hardware is either 5mx/ 5mx Pro/ MC218/ Revo/ Revo Plus/ Mako/ Series 7/ netBook/ netPad: xjmail.sis [2.1.] and Text Editor [2.2.1.] and Japanese Font [2.2.2.] * If your device is either Series 5 (Classic), Geofox One, or Osaris: xjmail.sis [2.1.] and Text Editor [2.2.1.] and Japanese Font [2.2.2.] and MessageSuite [2.2.3.] * If your device is Japanese (i.e. the Japanese version hardware or software-localized by UniFEP V2 Japanese): xjmail.sis [2.1.] and Text Editor [2.2.1.] It doesn't matter which component is installed first, but it is important to install all of the necessary components. 1.2. Advanced Functionality and Customization --------------------------------------------- According to your necessity and preference, you can add and/or replace several modules to extend/change XJMail functionalities. Especially, depending on your internet service provider, it might be that you have to install APOP [] and/or SMTP AUTH []. ============================================================ 2. Basic Installation --------------------- 2.1. Installation of xjmail.sis (MUST) -------------------------------------- XJMail binary package contains MANY files, but the most important one (and the one absolutely EVERYBODY needs) is xjmail.sis. Please install xjmail.sis on your preferred drive (If you don't know how to install SIS files, please refer to "Appendix 1. About SIS Installation".). By installing xjmail.sis, the following components are automatically installed. XJMail 1.31 MailHelper OPX 1.04 JPPrint OPX 1.05 JPPrint Control Panel 1.00 FileFolder OPX 1.02 CDescriptor OPX 1.00 CSocket OPX 1.09 Buffer OPX 5.0 Systinfo OPX 5.0 At this stage, please don't start XJMail yet. That would cause NO damage, but XJMail won't run. Please proceed to the next section, "2.2. Installation of things NOT included in XJMail package". 2.2. Installation of things NOT included in XJMail package ---------------------------------------------------------- Apart from XJMail itself, please install the following softwares depending on your environment. * Text Editor (MUST) [2.2.1.] * Japanese Font (Only for those who don't use Japanese Psion hardware nor UniFEP V2 Japanese localization) [2.2.2.] * MessageSuite (Only for Series5/Geofox One/Osaris users) [2.2.3.] Detailed descriptions are to follow. 2.2.1. Text Editor (MUST) ------------------------- This is used for composing email. You can use any kind of text editor that follows the EPOC standard to communicate with other APPs. If you don't have to use Japanese, Symbian Text Editor is a good choice: Note that Word is a word processor and not a text editor, so it is not suitable for this purpose. If you'd like to use Japanese on your non-Asian Psion, please use JMemo: If you're using Asian Psions or UniFEP software localization, there're several possibilities including Note and UniEd, both of which are from XJMail developers: You can also find others on the following Japanese review sites: Akebono No Sato Psi'F'Rush 2.2.2. Japanese Font -------------------- (Only for those who don't use Japanese Psion hardware nor UniFEP V2 Japanese localization, in other words most of you) Yes, even if you don't want to use Japanese, you have to install some font anyway, otherwise XJMail will refuse to run. If you're using UniFEP V2 (Japanese) or later, or if you're using Japanese Psions, Japanese fonts are already installed, so you don't have to install it. Such kind of font is found for example in googo's psion search page. Unzip the file and you'll find a font named jiskan.gdr. Make a folder called \system\jfonts in c:\ or d:\ directory in your device, and put the font in this folder. After this, go to control panel and tap the Japanese font control panel. If you have installed your font correctly, the font name (jiskan) will appear in the choice list. 2.2.3. MessageSuite(Only for Series5/Geofox One/Osaris users) ------------------------------------------------------------ Up to ER4 (i.e. Osaris), TCP/IP stack is not included in ROM, so you have to install MessageSuite. What is really needed is the TCP/IP stack, so you can uninstall Email application afterwards if you don't need it. Note) If you're using ER5 devices (5mx line, Revo line, and netBook line), please don't try to install MessageSuite, as TCP/IP stack is on the ROM. In these devices, MessageSuite may badly interfere with the existing functionality on ROM. If you don't have any CDROM handy, you can still get MessageSuite from psion web page . ============================================================ 3. Advanced Functionality and Customization ------------------------------------------- 3.1. Optional Installation in XJMail Package. --------------------------------------------- Apart from xjmail.sis, the following optional components are found in XJMail package: For APOP/SMTP AUTH authentication: xjm_auth.zip For alternative folder selector: fdlg_ndirnav.zip (nDirNav version) fdlg_std.zip (EPOC standard selector) fdlg_ff.zip (FileFolder OPX selector, default) 3.1.1. Authentication Modules (Ask your ISP if you have to use these) ---------------------------------------------- XJMail supports APOP and SMTP AUTH. Since these are not always needed by everybody, we decided not to include these in default installation. APOP ------------- If you want to use APOP, you'll have to copy xjm_APOP.opo (which is included in the xjm_auth.zip) into \system\apps\XJMail and also install md5opx-v0.02.sis in the same zip file. You need your ISP's server-side support for APOP, so please ask your ISP if you can/should use APOP or not. Note) APOP is "security-aware POP3", so to speak. In normal POP3, your password is transmitted through network without encryption, so your password can be potentially "listened to". APOP uses additional procedure to encrypt password, so it is more secure in this respect. However, APOP is not as popular as POP3. Some ISP mandate that you use APOP when you access your POP server, while many don't support APOP at all. SMTP AUTH ------------------ XJMail supports SMTP AUTH protocol. Only CRAM-MD5 and LOGIN authentication are implemented. If you need SMTP AUTH function, you'll have to copy xjm_SMTPA.opo (which is included in the xjm_auth.zip) into \system\apps\XJMail folder, and also install md5opx-v0.02.sis in the same zip file. You need your ISP's server-side support for SMTP AUTH, so please ask your ISP if you can/should use SMTP AUTH. Note) SMTP AUTH is a protocol in which you send your password to the server for authentication. The main merit is not on your side, but the server can reject any email that is not authenticated, reducing the risk of relaying SPAMS for example. At the moment SMTP AUTH is not so popular. Some ISPs mandate the use of SMTP AUTH, while some don't support them at all. Apart from SMTP AUTH, a weak authentication scheme called POP before SMTP is also supported. Of course ANY email client can use POP before SMTP, but XJMail offers some convenient functions for POP before SMTP, like "contacting POP server, authenticate without checking email, disconnect from POP server and send email" in one go. No additional installation is needed for POP before SMTP. 3.1.2. Folder Selector Modules (If you like) -------------------------------------------- If you hate the folder selector that XJMail uses, you can use either nDirNav (fdlg_ndirnav) module or EPOC standard selector (fdlg_std) module that are also included in the XJMail package. Just unpack the corresponding zip files, then copy the xjm_fdlg.opo file to \system\apps\xjmail folder. By the way, though the user interface of the default folder selector is intuitive, it is still possible to improve your efficiency in folder selection if you learn and understand the basic rules behind that. Please see the appendix of the English help document. 3.2. What Else are Developed by Others? --------------------------------------- 3.2.1. Importer Modules (If you like) ------------------------------------- XJMail supports third-party modules called importers. Importer API was originally designed to allow external modules to import from/export to other email clients (surprise!), but actually importers can do any kind of job if they so wish. There are several importers readily available, and you can find the list of them in . Importers are not essential to the operation of XJMail, so you can safely ignore that. After getting familiar, you may want to install some importer, or write one on your own. Importer API is written in XJMail source package (xjm???s.zip). ============================================================ 4. Uninstallation ----------------- If there's \system\apps\XJMail\importer folder, delete it. After that, uninstall XJMail using add/remove control panel. If there're still \system\apps\XJMail\XJMail.act and \system\apps\XJMail\*.ini, also delete them manually. ============================================================ Appendix 1. About SIS Installation ---------------------------------- There's a good explanation of what SIS files are and how to install them written by RMR software: If you have difficulty in installing xjmail.sis on your device, please first make it sure that you have correctly downloaded the distribution package and the sis file was correctly extracted. To see this, you can check if the timestamp and the size of the file matches the ones listed in the file list in Appendix 2. Appendix 2. List of Files ------------------------- Here is a list of the files included in the binary package. xjmail.sis (The main body of XJMail. 2002/12/29 01:34:54, 291,765bytes) xjm_auth.zip (APOP/SMTP AUTH modules 2002/12/06 00:51:48, 14,984bytes) fdlg_ndirnav.zip (nDirNav version folder selector 2001/07/22 22:00:00, 3,746bytes) fdlg_std.zip (EPOC standard folder selector 2002/06/23 15:19:56, 3,269bytes) fdlg_ff.zip (FileFolder OPX version selector 2001/12/25 16:26:04, 7,294bytes) XJMail_jpn.txt (Introduction in Japanese) XJMail_eng.txt (Introduction in English) install_jpn.txt (How to install, in Japanese) install_eng.txt (How to install, in English) xjm_hlp.txt (Japanese help file) xjm_hlp_eng.html (English help file) XJM_COPY.TXT (Copyright etc. in Janapese) XJM_COPY.ENG (Copyright etc. in English) folderselector.txt (Details on FileFolder selector in Japanese) history.txt (History in Japanese) keymapping.txt (List of key mappings) xjmail.sis contains the softwares from the following developers: Symbian: buffer.sis systinfo.sis Keith Walker: csocket.sis cdescriptor.sis Also note that MD5OPX contained in xjm_auth.zip was developed by Reishi Kondo. Though he is one of the XJMail developers, this OPX is not distributed under the name of XJMail development team. Appendix 3. Component Version ----------------------------- From inside XJMail, you can check the version of installed component using "About" dialog (Shift+Ctrl+A). XJMail 1.31 basic installation would give you the following components: XJMail version 1.31.0 (20021226) xjmview.opo 1.2+rey20020818 xjm_SMTP.opo 1.31.0 (20021228) xjm_POP.opo 1.30.0 (20021201) xjm_sock.opo 1.11 xjm_fdlg.opo 0.9 (20011026, FileFolder OPX version) You can press Ctrl+c to copy the content of the component version in "About" dialog, which would help when you want to report some trouble etc. ============================================================