Copyright Palmtop B.V., The Netherlands. Now 3Base is put in the Public Domain, we can't give support on this product anymore. 3Base was developed for Windows 3.1, but it should run fine under Windows'95, Windows NT etc. Originally it came with an installer, but to keep the size of the file to download to a minimum we only distribute what's necessary. We've made five zip files, one for each language : contains the French version contains the German version contains the Italian version contains the Dutch version contains the English version Download the version of your choice. Put the zip file in a directory, eg. c:\3base and unzip the file. Every zip file contains 8 files : readme.txt 3base102.dll 3base.exe 3base.hlp cmdialog.vbx grid.vbx spin.vbx threed.vbx To avoid overwriting vbx files that might already be installed, it's best to keep these files together in the c:\3base directory. Check if you've already a vbrun300.dll installed. You can find it in the Windows System directory, which is probably \windows\system or \winnt\system. If you haven't installed vbrun300.dll you must get it. It's available from a zillion places. If you download it, place it in your Windows System directory or in the 3base directory. You now can start 3Base by running 3base.exe