Psion FTP client Introduction Psion FTP client is intended for transferring of the files using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). The program is intended for Psion Workabout MX computers, and Series 3a/c/mx. Internet should be setup on the Psion. Installation Installation requires an IBM PC compatible computer with Windows 3.1x/95 and a Psion 3Link cable. Connect Psion to your personal computer by means of the cable and switch remote communication on selecting the Remote link option on the Special menu. From the diskette, run the programm PSISETUP, which will carry on the installation. First choose the file FTP.CTL. PSISETUP will try to connect with Psion. If the connection fails, press the Setup button and set a correct serial port and a baud rate. When the connection is established, select the disk on which FTP client should be installed. Press OK to transfer all the files to the Psion. Thus, the installation is finished. Before running the programm for the first time, it must be installed into the System screen. To do this, select the Install option on the Apps menu and in the dialog box choose the FTP.APP file from the APP directory. Using FTP client Psion FTP client can work in an interactive or a batch mode. If the name of a batch file is entered when running the proramm, FTP client begins to interpret the commands from this batch file. Note: When running the client from the system screen, the name of the file where the cursor is located is used as parameter. If there is no EXIT command at the end of the batch file or if the batch file is empty, the programm continues in interactive mode, otherwise it is terminated. To run the client in interactive mode directly, an empty batch file FTP.FTP is included in the installation. It is copied into the \FTP directory. Setting cursor to this file runs the client in interactive mode. After running the client an empty window is displayed (list window) where all the commands sent to the FTP server and all the answers received from the serverer will be listed. During the connection to a single server, all the lists will be saved so that a record of the session is created. In this record you can browse using arrow keys. Simultaneously, an FTP.LOG file is created in the \FTP directory, where all the lists are recorded. To every command sent the server responds with one or more lines. Each line begins with a code followed by a brief description. The codes are three digit numbers. The first digit indicates the type of the reply, the other two specify it. There are five types of the replyes according of the first digit: 1 - Positive preliminary reply. This code is used during the transfer of the file. 2 - Positive completion reply. 3 - Positive intermediate reply. The command has been accepted, but the requested action is being held in abeyance, pending receipt of futher information. Another command specifying is expected. 4 - Transient negative completion reply. The command was not accepted and the requested actipn did not take place, but the error condition is temporary and the action may be requested again. 5 -Permanent negative completion reply. Connecting to the FTP server After selecting Login from the menu, a dialog window enabling you to enter the adress of the FTP server, login name and password is displayed. As an adress you can enter either IP adress directly, or the domain name. Instead of a login name, an anonymous connection can be used. In this case you enter anonymous as a login name. After completing the dialog press Enter. FTP client tries to connect to the FTP server. The progress of the connection is shown in the list window. Disconnecting from the FTP server To finish your connection to the FTP server, select Logout from the menu. Simultaneously the list window is cleared. Recording to the FTP.LOG file continues. Receiving a file To download a file from the server to the Psion use menu item Get. In the dialog window, enter the name of the file you want to download including the path. The name is automatically copied to the second item of the dialog window, which determines the path and the name of the file at the Psion. If you want, this name can be changed. After pressing the Enter key, the data are transferred. Sending a file To upload a file from the Psion to the FTP server use menu item Put. In the dialog window, enter the name of the file you want to upload including the path. The name is automatically copied to the second item of the dialog window, which determines the path and the name of the file at the FTP server. If you want, this name can be changed. After pressing the Enter key, the data are transferred. Note: When entering the path at the server, use '/' to separate the names of the directories. Deleting a file Select Delete from the menu and then enter the name of the file at the FTP server you want to delete. Directory services Using FTP client the ctructure of the directories at the server can be changed. After selecting Print the name of the working directory is printed in the list window. If you want to change the working directory, use the Change menu item and enter the name of the new working directory in the dialog window. Similarly, the Make menu item can be employed to create a new directory and Remove to delete it. If the List menu item is selected, the content of the working directory is listed in the list window. Type of a file Using the Type option the type of the type of the transfered file can be set. The binary or text type can be choosed. If you are not sure, select binary type. Clearing of the list window The content of the list window can be cleared using the Cls menu item. Recording to the FTP.LOG file continues. Zooming in/out To change font size use Zoom in/Zoom out options. Exiting of the FTP client To terminate FTP client use Exit menu item. Batch files In addition to the interactive mode you can write the FTP commands in to the batch text file. Psion FTP client reads these commands and interprets them. Batch files with FTP extension are saved in the \FTP directory. Commands available: CONNECT