Configurating TCP/IP for Psion Introduction InetCfg is a TCP/IP setup program using text cofiguration scripts. It is designed for Psion Workabout MX computers. The program uses two scripts. The first one has ICF extension and contains protocol setup, connection, serial port and dial-up information. The second one with ISC extension describes logging script. Setup files must have the same names, e.g. SETUP.ICF and SETUP.ISC, and must be placed in the \NET directory on any disk. Installation Instalation requires an IBM PC compatible computer with Windows 3.1x/95 and a Psion 3Link cable. Connect Psion to your personal computer by means of the cable and switch remote communication on selecting the Remote link option on the Special menu. From the diskette, run the programm PSISETUP, which will carry on the installation. First choose the file INETCFG.CTL. PSISETUP will try to connect with Psion. If the connection fails, press the Setup button and set a correct serial port and a baud rate. When the connection is established, select the disk on which InetCfg should be installed. Press OK to transfer all the files to the Psion. Thus, the installation is finished. Before running the programm for the first time, it must be installed into the System screen. To do this, select the Install option on the Apps menu and in the dialog box choose the INETCFG.APP file from the APP directory. Configuration scripts syntax Each line of the script contains setup of one item and has a following form: item_name [=] item_value Example: Port = TTY:A Notes: Example: It is not necessary to use '=' Port TTY:A Item names are case independent porT = TTY:A CAUTION: Some item values are case dependent, e.g. password Strings may, but need not be writen in quotation marks Port = "TTY:A" Quotation marks must be used when string containing semicolon, space, tab or quotation marks is written Quotation marks within the string are doubled e.g. he"llo should be entered as "he""llo" The order of the items is not significant Symbols following semicolon are ignorred Port TTY:A ;remark ICF script Item_name: Item_value: Description: Protocol {PPP|SLIP} Protocol type used to connect to Internet. DNS IP address of DNS server. Provider_name Name of Internet provider. Access_point Domicile of Internet provider. Access_number Access telephone number Login Login name. Password Login password. IP_address_type {Dynamic|Static} Defines, whether Psion IP address is dynamicly assigned from the server or it is static. IP_address Static Psion IP address, if used Port This is the port the modem is on. Speed {300|600|1200|2400 Serial port speed |4800|9600|19200 |38400|57600|115200} DCD {On|Off} Serial line handshakes. DSR/DTR {On|Off} RTS/CTS {On|Off} XOn/XOff {On|Off} Init_string Modem initialization string. Dial_string Dialing string. Example: Protocol PPP DNS 111.222.333.444 Provider_name "IQ Net" Access_point "Praha" Access_number 12345678 Login Demo Password Heslo IP_address_type Dynamic Port = "TTY:C" Speed 19200 DCD = Off DSR/DTR On RTS/CTS On XOn/XOff Off Init_string AT&F Dial_string ATDP ISC script Item_name: Item_value: Description: TIMEOUT [1..999] Timeout of the WAIT command. If the answer does not arrive, the script is terminated or repeated. ABORT < retezec> If the abort string is received during a WAIT, the script will be stopped (and potentially retried from the beginning). The string is case insensitive. RETRY [1..999] Upon the first run of the script, this sets the number of times to retry the script upon failure because of a timeout or abort string. It is ignored upon subsequent (retry) runs of the script. SEND STRING < retezec> This sends a string. STRING_CR < retezec> This sends a string followed by a carriage return. SEND ATTRIB This sends a attribute. ATTRIB_CR This sends a attribute followed by a carriage return. Attributes are strings taken dynamically from the configuration sript ICF. The attribute values available are: ct14 Account login set by user ct15 Account password set by user ct25 Static IP address of host drv Driver protocol type ("SLIP" or "PPP") dt3 DNS server IP address SEND INIT This sends the modem initialisation string. INIT_CR This sends the modem initialisation string followed by a carriage return. SEND DIAL This sends the modem dial string. DIAL_CR This sends the modem dial string followed by a carriage return. WAIT Waits for the specified string. The command can either timeout or stop if an abort string received - both cases will cause the connection to either retry or fail. CONFIG 0 Open the network interface (SLIP or PPP driver). No further script commands are allowed after this has been issued. GETIP Retrieve the local static IP address from the service provider. This is normally only required by dynamic SLIP connection. Example: TIMEOUT 25 ;stop WAIT commands after 25 seconds ABORT error ;stop WAIT commands after receiving 'error' string RETRY 3 ;if not successful, repeate the script up to 3 times SEND INIT_CR ;send the modem initialisation string WAIT OK ;wait for the 'OK' string SEND DIAL_CR ;send the modem dial string WAIT ogin: ;wait for the 'ogin' string SEND ATTRIB_CR ct14 ;send login name WAIT assword: ;wait for the 'assword' string SEND ATTRIB_CR ct15 ;send login password CONFIG 0 ;open the network connection