Backgammon for the Psion Series 3a ---------------------------------- Quick Start ----------- To install: Either use the supplied RCOM script BGINST whilst running RCOM like so: (PsiWin users RCOM is included on the first PsiWin disk) BGINST I: to install on the internal drive, or to install manually, copy the following files to the specified directories on any drive: \APP\ BACKGAMM.OPA \APP\BACKGAMM\ ALL .PIC FILES (BOARD, WHITE, BLACK, POINT, 1 TO 6) BACKGAMM.RSC ADAM.PLR (and any other .PLR files) \WVE\ DICE2.WVE (OPTIONAL) PIECE2.WVE (OPTIONAL) Install BACKGAMM.OPA on your system screen using Psion+I. Psion+N will start a new game, left and right move the pointer Enter,Tab, or Space will pick up or set down the piece. Psion+U will undo a move after it has been made. The following file will be created: \OPD\BACKGAMM.SET This stores your settings, and score, it changes regularly, so it is not advisable to store it on a Flash SSD, though this is possible, it can be copied to any drive, BACKGAMM searches first M: then A: then B: for it. What is shareware? ------------------ Shareware is NOT free software, it is software that allows you to try before you buy it, rather than traditional commercial software which forces you to buy before you try! If you continue to use shareware, then you must register it. This will remove all nag screens from the game, and encourage me, and others to continue to produce cheap commercial standard software. Remember the range and avaliability of software for the Psion S3a series depends on your support! Registered users will also get the first chance to play against new computer players, at the current release version (v1.47) there is one additional player - "BOB" who is slightly more reckless than ADAM, but still plays better than him! If you are a registered user and wish to obtain a copy of BOB for version 1.47 then contact me at one of the addresses below (email is quickest, and free, please send a 3.5" PC formatted floppy and SAE for snail mail) To register, use CompuServe's SWREG service, ID# 6553 or send a cheque or cash to the value of 15 Sterling, or equivalent to: Matt Millar 18 Sutherland Avenue Roundhay Leeds LS8 1BZ United Kingdom If you have any enquiries, either address them as above, or email or on CompuServe 100021,3354 Disclaimer ---------- Matt Millar can accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to data resulting from the use of this program or any files connected to it. How to play Backgammon ---------------------- Backgammon is played between 2 players, the object of the game is to remove all your pieces (or stones) from the board. The board is divided into 4 quarters each containing 6 of the characteristic triangular markers, known as points. Pieces can land on any of the points no matter what the colour. When the game is started "BACKGAMM" automatically sets the board up with Black playing anticlockwise, and White playing clockwise. For the purpose of this brief introduction I will assume that Player is playing Black, the Computer playing White and American rules. (the defaults) There are 2 other notable areas on the board, other than the points, these are the home area, to the right of the board between the points and the dice, and the bar, this is the area that divides the board in half. White's home area is the top right of the board, Black's is the bottom right. To start, both players roll one of the dice each, until the dice rolls are different, the player with the highest roll now starts with the showing dice as their first move. The pieces are moved the value on the dice in turn, this means that if a player rolls a 3 and a 2 then he must make a move of 3 and a move of 2 not a single move of 5. Pieces may land on any point that is not occupied by 2 or more of their opponent's pieces. If there is a single piece of their opponent's pieces on the point then this piece will be "knocked onto the bar". If a piece is knocked onto the bar, then it is moved to the centre portion of the board, away from any point. On the next move that player must move the piece off the bar before any other moves are made. The piece re-enters play in the opponent's home area, starting from the right hand side of the board (i.e. a 1 will enter play on the point to the far top right of the board for Black) If a double is thrown then 4 moves of the value shown on the dice can be made. The number of available moves is indicated between the dice on the right hand side of the screen. When a player has all his pieces within his home area (bottom right quarter for Black) he may begin to bear off. This is the same as normal play except pieces are removed from the board onto the space on the right of the board, before the dice. The first player to remove all their pieces from the board wins. Controls -------- Basic gameplay controls: Absolute movement: Left, right, up and down move in the relevant directions. Relative movement: Right always moves toward your home, left always moves away from your home, up and down move as for absolute movement. Enter, Tab, Space pick up and set down a piece, only legal moves are allowed. You must also make as many moves as are possible, no matter how bad the position this leaves you in! The number of legal moves available is indicated by the number inbetween the dice. Normally this will be 2, however there is a special case, if a double is thrown the number of moves is doubled, i.e. if a double 3 is thrown, 4 moves are available. In the endgame, "B" will pick up a piece and bear it off in a single keypress. New Game Starting a new game will resign your current game. Options available upon starting games are: Rule variant: (Default American) This choses between American or British style play, in British style play a maximum of 5 pieces are allowed on a point. American places no limit on the number of pieces on a point. Computer Plays: White - computer plays white, you play black Black - computer plays black, you play white Both - computer plays black and white, pressing Esc will offer a dialog to quit the current game, relative statistics are displayed at the end of each game, play will continue until you quit the game. Neither - this allows play between 2 human players Player This allows you change the name of the current player, statistics are stored separately for each player. Statistics This displays the current statistics for the current player. Sound Switches sound on and off Set preferences Animation - switches on/off computer move animation. Movement - switches between absolute and relative movement Double Cube - switches double cube "money play" on and off Frequently Asked Questions -------------------------- Q: Why does the computer think before my move? A: The computer checks how many moves are available for you to make, this is shown between the dice. Q: Why do doubles take so long? A: As doubles have 4 moves to generate, the number of possible moves that can be made is the number that are typically made with different dice, squared. Unfortunately as there are typically about 100 different possible moves this means there can be of the order of 10,000 moves for doubles, careful pruning of moves allows this to be reduced to about 1000 moves, but it is still about 10 times the length of a normal move.