What's new in version 1.70? --------------------------- Added BOB and CHRIS to the "standard" distribution. I'm afraid they are still unavaliable to unregistered users though. Tuned Core play loop more finely (fractional savings in play time - noticable on Double ones) Added solid white pieces. Fixed the "false" backgammon if you resign bug (only 2 people spotted it!) Fixed the problems with moving files between drives. Version 1.47 ------------ Doubling cube is added - Psion+Q before the start of a game to switch to Double cube play. Display of Computer players last move - Psion+M will show the move the computer made before your last move, just in case you missed it! Hint. The computer player will look at your position, and suggest a move for you. Note that the computer player that is playing your colour in the "Computer Player" dialog is who helps you - so it is possible to use one of the better players to help you against a weaker player. Quick bear off key - "B" when in the end game will bear pieces off without them having to be picked up. Lots of other tweaks and additions!