BlackBox V 1.00 June '97 for the Psion 3a/3c and Siena (C) Copyright Mark Fitzpatrick 1996,1997 1. CONTACT INFORMATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have any questions, require some assistance, or just feel like exchanging some e-mail, I can be contacted via email: + For Compuserve users:- 100026,2452 + For Internet users:- + For Snail Mail users: Mark Fitzpatrick, 10 Brandon Place, St Ives, 2075 SYDNEY, NSW, AUSTRALIA 2. OVERVIEW ~~~~~~~~ BlackBox is a game of deduction. The experimenter fires electrons into the "Black Box" and tries to deduce the whereabouts of the atoms based on where the electrons enter and exit the "Black Box". Sometimes electrons are deflected by one or more of the atoms, sometimes they are reflected, and sometimes the electron is absorbed by an atom. The object of the game is to correctly deduce the location of ALL of the atoms in the "Black Box" with as few electrons as possible. Incorrect guesses are penalised at the rate of 10 points for every atom you get incorrect. The penalty is applied each time you "try" a guess, so don't be too bold with your guesses. 3. TERMS ~~~~~ BlackBox is FreeWare! You can use it and redistribute it to your hearts content. You MAY NOT charge others money for it, apart from any reasonable copying or any other costs incurred in the process of passing it on. You MAY NOT change the packaging of it without my explicit approval from the author to do so. You MAY NOT add or remove any files to the BlackBox package without explicit approval from the author to do so. 4. INSTALLATION: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Copy BlackBox.opa to the \APP\ directory on any drive on your 3a. 2) (Optional) Copy BlackBox.rsc to an \APP\BLACKBOX\ directory on any drive of your 3a. 3) Install the BlackBox.opa game using Psion-I from the System screen. 5. HISTORY ~~~~~~~ 08Jun97 V1.00 First Release