Psion Battleships V1.2 (C) M.C.Avey 1996 Thankyou for trying Psion Battleships. I hope you enjoy the program. Please feel free to contact me with any comments or suggestions regarding the program. Installation ------------ Using PsiWin ------------ If you are using PsiWin, I would suggest opening two windows next to each other. In one window, have the directory with the Unzipped files in it on your PC. It should have two directories, one called bships and the other one wve (ignore the text files). In the other window, have the Psion disk you wish to copy it to. Highlight the files in the first window and, holding down the Ctrl key on the PC, drag the files onto the root directory in the Psion window. This should copy all the files into the correct place. Then, install the program as usual using Psion-I. Manual installation ------------------- A directory named BSHIPS should be created within the APP directory on any drive and the following files should be copied to the location specified. File Location ---- -------- BATTSHIP.OPA APP BLOCK.PIC APP\BSHIPS BSHIP.PIC APP\BSHIPS BSHIPS.RSC APP\BSHIPS CROSS.PIC APP\BSHIPS CURSOR.PIC APP\BSHIPS ENGINE.OPO APP\BSHIPS MISS.PIC APP\BSHIPS PREFS.ODB APP\BSHIPS SHOWHELP.OPO APP\BSHIPS STATS.ODB APP\BSHIPS (R) (Files marked (R) should be placed in an APP\BSHIPS directory on a RAM device [either the Internal disk, or a RAM SSD], as they get changed quite often. The game will work if these files are placed on Flash SSD, but the free space on the disk will gradually disappear) The following sound files are optional and do not need to be copied in order to play the game. They should be placed in a WVE directory on any drive. EXPLODE.WAV WVE SUCCESS.WAV WVE LOSE.WAV WVE Once all files have been copied, install it from the System screen using Psion-I. Playing the game ---------------- Full instructions are included in the help file. Press the "Help" key once the program has started for full instructions. Registration ------------ I have tried to make this program as playable as possible, but you should still register the program if you continue to use it. If you register, you will be able to access the following features of the game:- * Full Save/Load, allowing you to save the game in progress and re-load it at a later date * The Statistics can be reset at any time * The initial nag screen will be removed I don't particularly like nag screens, but I thought it was better to provide more functionality to allow you to properly evaluate the program at the expense of a small nag screen that will only get displayed once per program use, just to remind you that it is shareware. The program can be registered in the following ways:- * CompuServe SWREG, ID Number 12743. Cost $10.00 (US Dollars) * Through RegNet - The Registration Network. The cost via this method is $14.00 (US Dollars). The additional cost is due to Regnet charging $5.00 per registration. The RegNet number for this program is 365. RegNet can be reached on the World Wide Web at the following URL: or by calling 1 800 WWW2REG (1 800 999-2734) or (801) 355-5110. RegNet can accept the following methods of payment: MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Novus (Discover), check or money order (drawn on a US bank), or cash (US dollars). Payment can be made through their Web page or by phone/post. * Alternatively, you can send a Cheque, Postal Order or International Money Order for £8.00 (UK Pounds) to:- M Avey 39 Union Street Cheltenham Glos GL52 2JN UK I can also be contacted via email at Registered users will receive a code to unlock all features of Battleships.